(We apology for possible cross-posting) 

Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
Special Issue on Intelligent Resource Management for 5G and Beyond


Deadline extended to: 1 September 2019

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has identified three broad use 
cases: enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable and low-latency 
communication (uRLLC), and massive machine-type communications (mMTC). 5G 
networks are expected to allow the coexistence of these use cases over the same 
physical infrastructure. Due to diversified and stringent service requirements 
in different use cases, 5G and beyond-5G need an intelligent way of managing 
the various physical resources including computing, networking and storage 
resources. The resources allocated to each service should meet the requirement 
precisely while at the same time maximising the resource utilisation of the 
physical infrastructure.

5G not only involves radio part, but also core network, Internet and datacenter 
parts. Different from the existing works focusing on either radio part or core 
part, this special issue focuses on the end-to-end intelligent resource 
management, from radio access networks to core networks (and up to datacenter 
networks). That is because end-to-end performance needs to be guaranteed to 
provide satisfactory QoS for diversified services with different requirements 
in 5G and beyond. Reciprocal effects may exist among different services 
vertically, and also, for the same service, between radio access networks and 
core networks horizontally; this cannot be ignored and need to be learned and 
considered cognitively for resource allocation and scheduling in 5G and beyond.

In addition, from 3GPP Release 15 to Release 16, the control plane and user 
plane splitting has been planned for more functionalities in the core network 
to satisfy the stringent requirements of uRLLC use cases. The intelligent 
resource management for the involved functionalities of a service is an 
emerging challenge to be addressed by the network and Telcom research community.

Learning from massive network data to produce cognitive knowledge for the 
end-to-end resource management in 5G is still cumbersome; real-time network 
management is still far from mature for the services with stringent 
requirements in 5G and beyond. Many research challenges still need to be 
addressed to achieve a fully intelligent resource management for 5G and beyond 

This special issue is devoted to the most recent developments and research 
outcomes addressing the related theoretical and practical aspects on 
intelligent resource management for 5G and beyond, and it also aims to provide 
worldwide researchers and practitioners an ideal platform to innovate new 
solutions targeting at the corresponding key challenges. Topics of interest 
include, but are not limited to:
- Architectures for end-to-end cognitive network/resource management for 5G and 
- Machine learning algorithms and solutions for end-to-end intelligent resource 
- Deep learning and data mining in end-to-end intelligent resource management
- Scalability of end-to-end intelligent resource management for 5G and beyond
- Autonomic monitoring and measurements in end-to-end intelligent resource 
management for 5G and beyond
- Autonomic analysis, autonomic and execution in end-to-end intelligent 
resource management for 5G and beyond
- Sustainability of end-to-end intelligent resource management for 5G and beyond
- End-to-end QoS/QoE/SLA guarantee in intelligent resource management for 5G 
and beyond
- Knowledge base for end-to-end intelligent resource management for 5G and 
- Intelligent network management for 5G and beyond
- Security, privacy and trust for end-to-end intelligent resource management 
for 5G and beyond

Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original and previously unpublished works. 
Submissions should follow the author guidelines of IEEE Transactions on 
Cognitive Communications and Networking. The complete instructions for 
prospective authors can be found on the IEEE TCCN Manuscript Central page. All 
submissions will undergo initial screening by the Guest Editors for fit to the 
theme of the Special Issue.

Important Date
- Submission Deadline: 1 September 2019
- First Reviews Complete: 1 November 2019
- Revision Due: 15 December 2020
- Final Review Decision: 15 January 2020
- Final Papers to Publisher: 31 January 2020
- Expected Publication: Second Quarter 2020

Guest Editors
Yulei Wu, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Dimitra Simeonidou, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Cheng-Xiang Wang, Southeast University, China
Richard Yu, Carleton University, Canada
Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National University, Korea
Guoliang Xue, Arizona State University, USA
Adlen Ksentini, EUROCOM, France

Dr. Yulei Wu, PhD, SMIEEE, FHEA
Senior Lecturer, Computer Science
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
University of Exeter, UK 

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