Post-Doc position in Statistics with a focus on probabilistic graphical models 
and causal inference

A post-doc is available in the newly established group of Prof. Dr. Giusi Moffa 
at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel.

Research topic

The focus of the group will be on probabilistic graphical models and causal 
inference. Current research focuses on both computational and inferential 
aspects. In particular we plan to develop novel algorithms for structure 
learning of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) in the context of mixed data, as 
well as hybrid learning methods which consider different measures of 
independence for the constraint-based part of the algorithm, so as to handle 
non-linear relationships. From an inferential and interpretation perspective, 
we are working on the Bayesian estimation of putative intervention effects from 
causal DAGs. Applications may cover clinical research, epidemiology, cancer 
genomics and precision medicine. Please visit my research page for more 
information about the projects

Candidate profile

  *   PhD in Statistics or closely related field
  *   A solid knowledge of statistical theory and methods
  *   Strong computational and programming skills
  *   Experience with statistical softwares (ideally R)
  *   Team spirit as well as the ability to work independently
  *   Fluent in English with good writing skills


The position is initially offered for one-year, with the possibility of 
extension for up to another 18 months.
Starting date is as soon as possible upon agreement.

Application / Contact

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Giusi Moffa 
(<>), and if you are 
interested, please send your CV, including academic records and publications, 
together with a cover letter and the names and e-mail addresses of two referees.
Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis starting from September 1st 

Prof. Dr. Giusi Moffa | University of Basel | Spiegelgasse 1 | CH-4051 Basel | 
Switzerland | Email:<>

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