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*Cybercrime and computer Digital Forensics in Cloud of Smart Things *
*CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL, USA <https://www.crcpress.com>*
*Call for Chapters: **cloudofsmartthingscfc
link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cloudofsmartthings20
*Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: June 30, 2018*

Editors of the CRC Press Book "Cybercrime and computer Digital
Forensics in Cloud of Smart Things" invites submissions containing
Original, High Quality Ideas that are relevant to the SCOPE OF THE
BOOK. The chapter proposal may kindly  be sent in PDF or Word format.
The book will MAINLY focus on significant issues in the field of
cbercrime and computer Digital Forensics in Cloud computing and Smart
Things such as WSN, M2M and IoT. The book is mainly intended for post
graduate students, research scholars, academics, industry and research
lab scientists. The objective of this book is to provide
state-of-the-art of research results and trends related to cybercrime
and computer Digital Forensics in Cloud of Smart Things.

EXPERIENCED Authors and Contributors (in the field of Cybercrime and
Computer Digital Forensics in Cloud of Smart Things) and may kindly
submit their chapter proposals. All chapter proposals that conform to
submission guidelines will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on
originality, technical and research content, depth, correctness,
relevance to scope of the book and readability.

*Topics of Interest:*

This book targets a mixed audience of researchers, academics and
investigators from different communities to share and exchange new ideas,
approaches, theories and practice to resolve the challenging issues
associated with the leveraging of cybercrime and Digital computer Forensics
for Cloud-of-Things paradigm. Therefore, the suggested topics of interest
for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

   - Issues of personal information and identity crime for cloud of things;
   - Intellectual property-related issues in cyberspace;
   - Computer forensic investigation in cloud of things;
   - Theory and practice of the Internet of Things and cloud computing;
   - Terrorism and the cloud of things;
   - Strategic analysis in Cloud of things;
   - Modelling of telecommunications and network data;
   - Personal and corporate activities in the cloud and IoT;
   - Digital information and data mining in cloud of things  ;
   - Biometric to data security and security of personal information in IoT
   and Cloud;
   - Technology-enabled detection and prevention of cybercrime;
   - Cyber-profiteering in cloud of smart things ;
   - Cybercrime and digital forensics education in IoT and cloud;

*Submission Procedure:*

Authors are invited to submit their chapter proposals by June 30, 2018.
Full chapters are expected to be submitted by September 15, 2018.

Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted
to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a
double-blind peer review editorial process.

Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferen

*Note:* There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts
submitted to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a
double-blind peer review editorial process.

*Abstracting and Indexing:*

CRC Taylor & Francis takes pride in having publications indexed by major
indices worldwide. So long as they meet the required criteria, all CRC
publications are submitted for indexing
<https://www.crcpress.com/resources/authors/frequently-asked-questions> to
indices *Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index* and *SCOPUS*.

CRC Press, Florida, USA, is a premier global publisher of science,
technology, and medical resources. CRC Press is a member of Taylor &
Francis Group, an informa business. For additional information regarding
the publisher, please visit https://www.crcpress.com.

*Important Dates:*

*June 30, 2018:* Chapter Proposal Submission

*July 30, 2018:* Proposal Review Results Returned

*September 15, 2018:* Full Chapter Submission

*November 15, 2018:* Review Results Returned

*December 15, 2018:* Final Chapter Submission (camera ready)

Early submission is highly appreciated as it will allow the editors to
discuss the proposals/chapters with the authors.


Dr. Yassine Maleh (University Hassan 1, Morocco)

Prof. Abdelkrim Haqiq (University Hassan 1, Morocco)

Dr. Mohammad Shojafar (University of Padua, Padua, Italy)

Prof. Ashraf Darwish (Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt)
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