Call for papers: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing's Special Issue
on Sustainable Information Security and Forensic Computing


Submission Deadline: 1 June 2018



Paul Yoo, Cranfield Defence and Security, Cranfield University, Shrivenham,
UK. <>  

Zahir Tari, School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. <> 



Modern societies are becoming increasingly reliance on inter-connected
digital systems, where commercial

activities and government services are delivered. Despite the benefits, it
is impossible to overstate the

importance of information security and forensics in a highly inter-connected
system. To address security

threats to network infrastructure devices and sensitive data, many different
solutions capable of providing a

suitable degree of security and forensic capability have been proposed.
However, such solutions have not

been properly designed to address important aspects such as computational
costs, scalability, energy

efficiency and resource usage. This special issue thus focuses on practical
aspects of information security

and forensics in sustainable computing. We solicit original contributions on
novel threats, defences and

security, information, tools, and digital forensics applications in
sustainable computing. We also seek

contributions motivated by taking real-world security and forensic problems
and theoretical works that have

clear intention for practical applications.


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

.         Sustainable security monitoring, tracking and detection systems

.         Sustainability issues and opportunities in information security
and forensic computing

.         Energy aware programming security and forensic systems, algorithms
and applications

.         Energy efficient scheduling and resource management for security
and forensic systems

.         Application of efficient machine intelligence to cyber crimes and

.         Efficient information sharing and data protection

.         Energy efficient models of large scale security applications

.         Lightweight cryptographic protocols for IoT security and privacy

.         Lightweight security and forensics tools for IoT devices

.         Security and forensic tools for unmanned autonomous systems

.         Cybercrime and digital investigation

.         Forensic behavioural biometrics and biometric analysis of crime
scene traces and their forensic interpretation

.         State-of-the-art reviews on sustainable information security and
forensic computing

.         Energy aware HPC applications

.         Sustainable cyber security in IoT, smart grids, and modern

.         Green digital forensics and cyber security

.         Power aware applications for cyber security and threat


Submission Procedure 

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically adhering to
the IEEE Transactions on

Sustainable Computing guidelines
( Please submit your papers

through the online system ( and be
sure to select the special issue

on Sustainable Information Security and Forensic Computing. Manuscripts
should not be published or

currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit only full
papers intended for review, not

abstracts, to the ScholarOne portal.

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