Full-time position as an Engineer in Nantes, France

Recommender systems for Open Education Resources Platform

Project Description. The 36 month long H2020 project X5-GON starts in September 2017. With research teams from the UK, Slovenia, Germany and Spain, we are working on building cloud based recommendation systems to navigate between siloes of open educational resources (OER) containing resources in different formats, languages, corresponding to different topics and with different cultural challenges.

The project will take place at the new Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N), in collaboration with the DUKE and TALN teams. DUKE specializes in Data Science whereas TALN has Natural Language Processing as core speciality. The recruited engineer will be posted with DUKE on the Chantrerie site of University of Nantes.

Tasks included in the work profile

LS2N wishes to recruit an engineer for project X5-GON. The goal is to specify, develop and deploy a recommender system solution.

The candidate will be invested in technical tasks as well as participate to meetings with the other teams of the consortium. Technical decisions will be taken collectively: strong technical skills are therefore required.

Within the context of the project, the candidate will be part of a team working on this or similar projects. He will benefit from experienced supervision, making this position of interest to candidates with 0 to 5 years experience.

Profile of the candidate: The candidate should hold a Master’s degree or an Engineer title in one of the following research areas: computer science, data science. A good level of expression in English (both written and spoken) is required.

Technical qualities:

    Python and C++ programming
    Software engineering
    Data science techniques, including Machine Learning

Soft skills:

    Motivation, autonomy and teamwork
    Capacity to adapt to the constraints of collaborative European projects

Duration: 36 months, beginning fall 2017.

Workplace: LS2N UMR 6004 CNRS. Travels to our partner sites (London, Valencia, Ljubljana) are to be expected.

Salary: > 1400€ net, depending on experience and qualification

How to apply: send CV + motivation + 2 references to colin.delahigu...@univ-nantes.fr, and philippe.le...@univ-nantes.fr.

Philippe Leray

Full Professor
DUKe - Data User Knowledge - Research Group
Nantes Digital Science Lab

Ecole Polytechnique de l'université de Nantes
La Chantrerie - rue Christian Pauc - BP 50609
44306 Nantes Cedex 3

Tel : +33 2 40 68 30 38

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