Post doc position at NTU (Singapore) is available.

Research topic: Intelligent control of unmanned aerial vehicles. The project 
-          Soft computing methods including artificial neural networks, fuzzy 
logic control theory and adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems
-          Prospective candidate should hold a PhD degree in automatic control 
engineering, mechatronics engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical 
engineering, computer science or other related disciplines from reputable 
-          The candidate should have excellent verbal and writing skills in 
English with very good communication skills.
-          Concrete knowledge in C/C++.
-          Experience in controlling and navigating of multi-rotor UAVs.
-          Experience in calibration of multiple sensors and sensor fusion for 
-          Experience in fuzzy logic control.

The application should consist of:
•         A CV with a full publication list,
•         Transcripts of B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD
•         The contact details of three referees.

These documents must be compiled as a single pdf file, and named as 
"<Name>_<Surname>.pdf". Then, the single file should be sent to 
"<>" with a subject line of "Post doc 
application for FL project".

The salaries are competitive, and the position will be available immediately 
once the candidate is selected. The applications will be reviewed directly 
until the position is filled.

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