*Call for participation ECAI2016!*

*Early registration deadline: July 5, 2016 – www.ecai2016.org

*Program highlights*

-          Invited speakers:

-          Public session on Artificial Intelligence and Human Values at
the Peace Palace <https://www.vredespaleis.nl/?lang=en>

-          AI@Work session where companies will present their AI related

-          Access to all sessions of the co-located conference on Collective
Intentionality X <http://www.collintx.org/collintx#.V2QeJvl95hE>

-          Tutorials

-          Workshops

-          AIckathon

-          Women in AI Breakfast

-          Beach party!

-          Fun Run!

*Conference fee includes*

-          Access to all sessions and invited talks

-          Participation in the Tutorials (registration required)

-          Lunches and coffee breaks

-          Access to the Public Session at the Peace Palace (limited
places, registration required)

-          Openings receptions

-          Participation in WAI breakfast, Fun Run, speed dates
(registration required)

There are special fees for members of European AI societies.

Hope to see you all in The Hague!!

Suzan Verberne, researcher
Data Science, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences
Radboud University Nijmegen
Tel: 0031 24 36 53431/15775
Email: s.verbe...@cs.ru.nl
uai mailing list

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