*ECAI2016: upcoming deadlines and news*

*(Follow us in Twitter and Facebook for all news and updates!)*

-          *ECAI 2016 Submission Deadline: 15 April 2016 (23:59:59 CET)*

o   For full and short papers! See CfP:

o   Also for submissions to the special track on “Artificial Intelligence
and Human Values”

o   Paper template: http://www.ecai2016.org/content/uploads/2016/03/ecai.zip

o   Submit through confmaster: http://ecai2016.confmaster.net/

o   *New this year:* If you are submitting a revised version of a
submission to IJCAI­2016, you can upload the IJCAI reviews of their papers
and a response letter explaining changes in the revised submitted version,
for consideration during the ECAI reviewing process. This innovation is
intended to reduce the “lottery” effect which can happen when revised
versions are reviewed by a new team of reviewers.

-          *PAIS 2016 Submission Deadline: 15 April 2016 (23:59:59 CET)*

o   For papers to the Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems
conference: See CfP:

o   Paper template: http://www.ecai2016.org/content/uploads/2016/03/ecai.zip

o   Submit through easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pais16

-          *STAIRS 2016 Submission Deadline: 16 May 2016 (23:59:59 CET)*

o   For papers to the “Starting Artificial Intelligence Research”
Symposium: See CfP:http://www.ecai2016.org/calls/stairs-call-for-papers/

-          *Workshops*

o   List of accepted workshops: http://www.ecai2016.org/program/workshops/

o   General workshop submission deadline: June 12, 2016. Check the
workshop’s webpage for possible deviations!

-          *Tutorials*

o   List of accepted tutorials: http://www.ecai2016.org/program/tutorials/

-          *Registration*

o   Information about registration fees and procedure will be online

-          *AI@Work and Speed dates*

o   Several companies will be recruiting at ECAI 2016. A special
information session and speed dates with potential candidates will be held
during the main conference days (Wed-Fri)

o   *If you are interested in this opportunity (companies, research
centres, universities), let us know through cont...@ecai2016.org

o   If you are a jobseeker, stay tuned for more information! (through
website, Facebook and Twitter)

-          *Announcing EURAI, the European Association for AI*

o   ECCAI (the European Coordinating Committee for AI) has changed its name
to the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR AI (EurAI): www.eurai.org

o   EURAI more accurately describes the aims of the association: a
community-led scientific organisation that works to promote AI research and
education throughout Europe, and to represent the European AI community

o    In addition to the existing program of activities that ECCAI is
engaged in, EURAI will expand its current role to include several new

o   More details will be announced at ECAI2016!

Suzan Verberne, researcher
Information Foraging Lab, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences
Radboud University Nijmegen
Tel: 0031 24 36 53431/15775
Email: s.verbe...@cs.ru.nl
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