Dear colleagues,

We are  pleased to  announce the  release of PRISM2.2  which is
available for download at:

PRISM is a probabilistic extension of Prolog designed for a unified
interface between users and machine learning tasks. The user
declaratively writes probabilistic model as PRISM programs and applies
to them a rich array of built-in predicates for exact probability
computation, Viterbi inference, five types of parameter learning
(EM/MAP,DAEM,VT,VB,VB-VT) and Metropolis-Hastings sampling
for Bayesian inference.

The new version further extends functionalities of the previous
version with two innovative features:

* capability of computing an infinite sum of probabilities which makes it
  possible to deal with probabilistic models with cyclic structure
  including Markov chains and affixes in PCFGs, and

* capability of computing and learning conditional random fields (CRFs)
  by which a large class of CRFs including logistic-regression,
  linear-chain CRFs and CRF-CFGs become usable.

PRISM2.2 is now a unique platform covering generative models such as
BNs, HMMs and PCFGs and powerful discriminative models such as
linear-chain CRFs.

With Best Regards,

Taisuke Sato, Yoshitaka Kameya, Ryosuke Kojima, Neng-Fa Zhou
uai mailing list

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