UAI 2016 - Call for Workshops

We invite proposals for Workshops to be held in conjunction with the
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) taking
place in New York City, NY, USA, on June 25-29, 2016. The workshops
will be held on June 29. These workshops present an excellent
opportunity to address a specific topic of your choice, including but
not limited to topics such as knowledge representation, machine
learning, control, or optimization under uncertainty. We are looking
for half-day or full-day workshop proposals.

Important dates
 * Workshop proposal deadline March 11, 2016.
 * Proposal acceptance notification March 24, 2016
 * Workshop submissions due May 10, 2016 (suggested date)
 * Workshop author notification May 20, 2016 (suggested date)
 * Workshop day: June 29, 2016

Workshops offer a great format for active and interdisciplinary
research on new topics. The ideal workshop covers a compelling subject
of current or upcoming research, and includes an impressive set of
speakers with diverse backgrounds to discuss the subject. Discussion
via panels and identification of open problems and challenges are
great components to include.

The format, style, and content of accepted workshops is under the
control of the workshop organizers and largely autonomous from the
main conference. The workshops can be up to seven hours long, split
into morning and afternoon sessions. Workshop organizers are expected
to manage the workshop content, specify the format, invite experts in
the domain, be present to moderate the discussion and panels, and
maintain a website for the workshop. Workshop registration will be
handled centrally by the main conference.

Submission Instructions
Proposals should clearly specify the following:
 * Workshop title
 * Specific topics to be addressed
 * Motivation and Relevance
 * Goals and expected outcomes
 * Potential list of invited speakers
 * List of related publications
 * Characteristics of the workshop, including length (full / half day)
and structure
 * Main workshop organizer and other organizers (with short bio)
 * Workshop URL

Workshop proposals should not exceed five single spaced pages and
should be submitted via email in PDF format to
by March 11, 2016 (earlier submissions are encouraged as well).
Detailed descriptions of last year’s workshops can be found at:

We are looking forward to your submissions.

Melanie Zeilinger
Workshops Chair UAI 2016

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