Dear friends in causality research,
I am happy to announce that the deadline for submitting
nominations for the Causality in Statistics Education Award
has been extended to March 1st, 2016.
For updated information, please see .

Nominations and questions should be sent to the ASA office at . 

And may every good thought be put
to some good cause.


----------Greeting of Feb 8, 2016 ------------------- 
Dear friends in causality research,

This greeting from the UCLA Causality blog contains:
A. An introduction to our newly published book
   Causal Inference in Statistics - A Primer
   Wiley 2016 (with M. Glymour and N. Jewell)
B. Comments on two other books: (1) R. Klein's 
   Structural Equation Modeling and (2) L Pereira and
   A. Saptawijaya's on Machine Ethics.
C. News, Journals, awards and other frills.

Our publisher (Wiley) has informed us that the
book "Causal Inference in Statistics - A Primer"
by J. Pearl, M. Glymour and N. Jewell 
is already available on Kindle, and will be available
in print Feb. 26, 2016.

This book introduces core elements of causal inference into
undergraduate and lower-division graduate classes in statistics
and data-intensive sciences. The aim is to provide students with
the understanding of how data are generated and interpreted
at the earliest stage of their statistics education.
To that end, the book empowers students with models and
tools that answer nontrivial causal questions using
vivid examples and simple mathematics.
Topics include: causal models, model testing, effects of interventions,
mediation and counterfactuals, in both linear and 
nonparametric systems.

The Table of Contents, Preface and excerpts from the four
chapters can be viewed here: 
A book website providing answers to home-works
and interactive computer programs for simulation and analysis
(using dagitty)  is currently under construction.

We are in receipt of the fourth edition of 
Rex Kline's book "Principles and Practice of Structural 
Equation Modeling, 

This book is unique in that it treats structural equation 
models (SEMs) as carriers of causal assumptions and tools 
for causal inference. Gone are the inhibitions and 
trepidation that characterize most SEM texts in their treatments 
of causation. 

To the best of my knowledge, Chapter 8 in Kline's 
book is the first SEM text to introduce graphical criteria 
for parameter identification -- a long overdue tool 
in a field that depends on identifiability for model 
Overall, the book elevates SEM education to new 
heights and promises to usher a 
renaissance for a field that, five decades ago, has pioneered 
causal analysis in the behavioral sciences. 

Much has been written lately on computer ethics,
morality, and free will. The new book "Programming Machine Ethics"
by Luis Moniz Pereira and Ari Saptawijaya
formalizes these concepts in the language of logic
programming. See book announcement
As a novice to the literature on ethics
and morality, I was happy to find a comprehensive compilation of
the many philosophical works on these topics,
articulated in a language that even a layman can comprehend. 
I was also happy to see the critical role that the
logic of counterfactuals plays in moral reasoning.
The book is a refreshing reminder that there is more
to counterfactual reasoning than "average treatment effects".

C. News, Journals, awards and other frills.
Nominations are Invited for the Causality in Statistics Education Award
(Deadline is February 15, 2016).

The ASA Causality in Statistics Education Award is aimed at encouraging 
the teaching of basic causal inference in introductory statistics 
courses. Co-sponsored by Microsoft Research and Google, the prize 
is motivated by the growing importance of introducing core 
elements of causal inference into undergraduate and 
lower-division graduate classes in statistics. 
For more information, please see .

Nominations and questions should be sent to the ASA office at . The nomination deadline is February 15, 2016.

Issue 4.1 of the Journal of Causal Inference is
scheduled to appear March 2016, with articles
covering all aspects of causal analysis. For
mission, policy, and submission information please

Finally, enjoy new results and new insights 
posted on our technical report page


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