[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email.] We have extended the submission deadline by one week. The new, final deadline is *February 3, 2016*. Looking forward to your submissions.
======================================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS ======================================================================= ASR-MOV: international workshop on Architectures and Systems for Real-time Mobile Vision applications held in conjunction with the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) 2016 Website: http://workshops.inf.ed.ac.uk/asr-mov Barcelona, Spain March 12, 2016 ======================================================================= *** Important Dates Final Submission Deadline: February 3, 2016, Anywhere on Earth Submission Deadline: January 26, 2016, Anywhere on Earth Author Notification: February 10, 2016 Workshop: March 12, 2016 The increased processing capability of mobile and embedded platforms is enabling increasingly ambitious mobile machine vision systems. Industry is actively pursuing embedded vision in the entertainment, automotive and robotics domains. Mobile vision couples high computational requirements with heterogeneous power constrained systems. This makes it an ideal domain in which to evaluate processor architectures, memory efficiency, resource scheduling, mapping, and energy efficient computing. The ASR-MOV workshop brings together system researchers to discuss how the requirements of real-time mobile vision applications impact on tools, architectures and systems. *** TOPICS OF INTEREST: We invite researchers to contribute both ‘work in progress’ and already published work on a broad range of topics that include, but are not limited to: - Domain-specific languages for vision - Dynamic and static adaptation techniques - Task-based and dataflow models - Automatic co-optimization of quality of result and non-functional properties - Energy efficiency in heterogeneous SoCs - Near-memory and near-camera processing - Validation and verification of vision systems - Approximate computing in vision - Co-design methodologies and case studies - Vision processing units (VPUs) compiler-aware techniques *** SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Participants are invited to submit short papers for oral presentation. We recommend a 2 to 4 page submission in PDF format, printable on US Letter sized paper. We recommend the template from SIGPLAN: http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/ Please make your submission by the deadline to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=asrmov2016 Accepted paper will be distributed to participants in local proceedings, which will be made available electronically to the participants but will not be published formally. Authors may choose to omit their paper from the local proceedings. Publication at ASR-MOV will not prevent later publication in conferences or journals. General Co-Chairs Bruno Bodin, University of Edinburgh John Mawer, University of Manchester Luigi Nardi, Imperial College London Program Committee Marco Cornero, ARM, UK Andrew Davison, Imperial College London, UK Karol Desnos, INSA Rennes, France Frank Hannig, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany David Kaeli, Northeastern University, USA Paul Kelly, Imperial College London, UK Scott Mahlke, University of Michigan, USA Richard Membarth, Saarland University, Germany David Moloney, Movidius, Ireland Sharathchandra Pankanti, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
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