Dear Friends,

Many thanks to those who have submitted papers for NAFIPS'2015 by the original 
deadline of March 6. We will try our best to send you referee reports by March 
28, as planned.

We hope to have an exciting conference, with - as usual - many interesting 

Several authors asked for a few weeks of extension. If you need this extension, 
please submit your paper as soon as possible, but not later than by March 31. 
March 31 is an absolute deadline: we need to send the papers to the referees 
and, if accepted, give authors some time to revise, and we get the final 
versions by April 25!

Remember: papers for special sessions should be sent directly to the special 
session organizers by email, general papers should be send via a website.

As usual, accepted papers will be posted in IEEE IExplore. IEEE is very strict 
about formats, so please take formatting seriously.

See you all in Redmond!


2015 NAFIPS Annual Conference and 5th World Conference on Soft Computing
Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Lotfi A. Zadeh's first paper on "Fuzzy 
Redmond, Washington, USA, August 17-19, 2015

Call for Papers


The 34th Annual Conference of NAFIPS (North American Fuzzy
Information Processing Society) will be held jointly with the 5th
World Conference on Soft Computing, at DigiPen Institute of
Technology,  a dedicated, world-renowned leader in education and
research in computer interactive technologies, located in Redmond,
Washington. Redmond is a paradise for both outdoor enthusiasts and
city lovers with its new town center. As the home of Microsoft, it
is one of the world's most important technology hubs. It is a
gateway to Bellevue's upscale living, Seattle's vibrant
attractions, Washington's wine country, and the Natural Wonders of
the Cascade range.

Aims and Scope

As a truly unique and international conference in the areas of
fuzzy sets and soft computing, 2015 NAFIPS meeting will bring
together scientists, engineers, students, and practitioners
working in fuzzy logic and related areas to present their recent
research accomplishments. The meeting offers a unique platform for
the exchange of ideas, fostering interaction and building
multidisciplinary research linkages.

The topics cover all aspects of fuzzy systems and their applications
including, but not limited to
* fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
* mathematical foundations of fuzzy sets and fuzzy systems
* approximate reasoning, fuzzy inference models, and soft computing
* fuzzy decision analysis, decision making, optimization, and design
* fuzzy system architectures and hardware
* fuzzy methods in data analysis, statistics and imprecise probability
* fuzzy databases and information retrieval
* fuzzy pattern recognition and image processing
* fuzzy sets in management science
* fuzzy control and robotics
* possibility theory
* fuzzy sets and logic in ontology, web, and social networks
* fuzzy preference modeling
* fuzzy sets in operations research and manufacturing
* fuzzy database mining and financial forecasting
* fuzzy neural networks
* evolutionary and hybrid systems
* intelligent agents and ambient intelligence
* learning, adaptive, and evolvable fuzzy systems

Special Sessions

Proposals for special sessions concentrating on fundamentals,
algorithms, and innovative applications of fuzzy sets and soft
computing are welcome. Submission of proposals should include a
short description of the session, its relevance to the NAFIPS
meeting, and a list of potential contributors. Special sessions
will be open to all participants. Organizers of Special Sessions
will be responsible for the reviewing process of papers within
their session.

Best Paper Awards

Two awards will be given to authors of outstanding papers, one of
them for the best student paper award.

Important Dates

Special Session proposals due: January 23, 2015
Papers due: March 31, 2015 - deadline extended!
Final Papers and Early Registration: April 25, 2015

Contact: Barnabas Bede (<>)


Honorary Chairs:
Lotfi A. Zadeh (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Ali Abbasov (Minister of Communications and Information Technologies
  of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
Claude Comair (President, DigiPen Institute of Technology, USA)

General Chair: Barnabas Bede (DigiPen Institute of Technology, USA)

General Co-Chairs:
Shahnaz Shahbazova (Azerbaijan Technical University)
Vladik Kreinovich (University of Texas at El Paso, USA)
Ronald R. Yager (Iona College, New York, USA)
Marek Z. Reformat (University of Alberta, Canada)

Advisory Co-Chairs:
Martine de Cock (Ghent University, Belgium)
Boris Kovalerchuk (Central Washington University, USA)
William Melek (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Local Organizing Committee Chairs:
Angela Kugler (DigiPen, USA)
Asli Celikyilmaz (Microsoft, USA)

Program Chairs:
Luciano Stefanini (University of Urbino, Italy),
Vladik Kreinovich (University of Texas at El Paso, USA)
Marek Reformat (University of Alberta, Canada)

Publicity Chairs:
Linnea Mobrand (DigiPen, USA)
Patrick Schafer (DigiPen, USA)

Publication Chair: Mark J. Wierman (Creighton University, USA)

Special Sessions Chair:
Fernando Gomide (University of Campinas, Brazil)

Program Committee:

Giovanni Acampora (Italy)
Rafik Aliev (Azerbaijan)
Plamen Angelov (UK)
Andrzej Bargiela (UK)
Michael Berthold (Germany)
Jim Bezdek (USA)
Isabelle Bloch (France)
Fernando Bobillo (Spain)
Giovanni Bortolan (Italy)
Tadeusz Burczynski (Poland)
Humberto Bustince (Spain)
Christer Carlsson (Finland)
Joao Carvalho (Portugal)
Giovanna Castellano (Italy)
Oscar Castillo (Mexico)
Wojciech Cholewa (Poland)
Ana Colubi (Spain)
Oscar Cordon (Spain)
Lucian Coroianu (Romania)
Bernard deBaets (Belgium)
Antonio Di Nola (Italy)
Didier Dubois (France)
Petr Ekel (Brazil)
Dimitar Filev (USA)
Janos Fodor (Hungary)
Robert Fuller (Hungary)
Takeshi Furuhashi (Japan)
Siegfried Gottwald (Germany)
Michel Grabisch (France)
Salvatore Greco (Italy)
William Gruver (USA)
Larry Hall (USA)
Francisco Herrera (Spain)
Enrique Herrera-Viedma (Spain)
Kaoru Hirota (Japan)
Wladyslaw Homenda (Poland)
Eyke Hullermeier (Germany)
Hisao Ishibuchi (Japan)
Zsolt Csaba Johanyak (Hungary)
Janusz Kacprzyk (Poland)
Abe Kandel (USA)
Jim Keller (USA)
Etienne Kerre (Belgium)
S.S. Kim (Korea)
Peter Klement (Austria)
Laszlo Koczy (Hungary)
Vladik Kreinovich (USA)
Rudolf Kruse (Germany)
Chang-Shing Lee (Taiwan)
Jonathan Lee (Taiwan)
Yongmin Li (China)
Chin-Teng Lin (Taiwan)
Xiaodong Liu (China)
Vincenzo Loia (Italy)
Weldon A. Lodwick (USA)
Jie Lu (Australia)
Luis Magdalena (Spain)
Francesco Marcelloni (Italy)
Luis Martinez (Spain)
Jerry Mendel (USA)
Radko Mesiar (Slovakia)
Wojciech Moczulski (Poland)
Javier Montero (Spain)
Hung T. Nguyen (USA)
Vesa Niskanen (Finland)
Hajime Nobuhara (Japan)
Vilem Novak (Czech Republic)
Sung-Kwun Oh (Korea)
Nikhil K. Pal (India)
Sankar R. Pal (India)
Ketty Peeva (Bulgaria)
Irina Perfilieva (Czech Republic)
Witold Pedrycz (Canada)
Emil Petriu (Canada)
Henri Prade (France)
Radu Emil Precup (Romania)
Anca Ralescu (USA)
Dan Ralescu (USA)
Aminah Robinson (Canada)
Imre J. Rudas (Hungary)
Alireza Sadeghian (Canada)
Rudi Seising (Spain)
Salvatore Sessa (Italy)
Shahnaz Shahbazova(Azerbaijan)
Yabin Shao (China)
Andrzej Skowron (Poland)
Roman Slowinski (Poland)
Tom Sudkamp (USA)
Mike Smith (USA)
Umberto Straccia (Italy)
Shun-Feng Su (Taiwan)
Eulalia Szmidt (Poland)
Ricardo Tanscheit (Brazil)
Vicenc Torra (Spain)
I. Burhan Turksen (Turkey)
Jose Luis Verdegay (Spain)
Lipo Wang (Singapore)
Wei Wang (China)
Junzo Watada (Japan)
Ronald R. Yager (USA)
M. Yamada (Japan)
Yiyu Yao (Canada)
Hao Ying (USA)
Fusheng Yu (China)
Slawomir Zadrozny (Poland)
M.H. Fazel Zarandi (Iran)
Guangquan Zhang (Australia)
Hans J.Zimmermann (Germany)
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