KES Smart Digital Futures 2015
17th-19th June 2015
Hilton Sorrento Palace, Sorrento, Italy

-----Deadline Extension for submission of papers for our four Smart Digital 
Futures conferences until the 19 January 2015!

- Agent and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications (AMSTA)
- Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT)
- Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (IIMSS)
- Smart Education and E-Learning (SEEL)

Smart Digital Futures 2015 co-locates in one venue and for one price, four of 
our popular conferences:  
Agent and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications, Intelligent 
Decision Technologies, Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, 
and Smart Education and E-Learning with all conference papers published in one 
set of proceedings. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as 
book chapters in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies 
series: http://www.springer.com/series/8767 and submitted for indexing in 
Scopus and Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and the 
Web of Science.

More details on the individual conferences are provided below.

Agents and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications 2015 (AMSTA-15)
Conference Chair: Gordan Jezic

AMSTA-15 is an international scientific conference for research in the field of 
agent and multi-agent systems. Agents and multi-agent systems are related to a 
modern software paradigm which has long been recognized as a promising 
technology for constructing autonomous, complex and intelligent systems.

Consisting of keynote talks by experts in the field, oral and poster 
presentations, AMSTA-15 will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers 
to discuss modern approaches and techniques for agent and multi-agent systems 
and their applications, as well as intelligent systems in the field of social 
networks, self-organisation and trust.

For the full scope and more information, please visit the website: 

Intelligent Decision Technologies 2015 (IDT-15)
Conference Chair: Rui Neves Silva

The field of Intelligent Decision Technologies is interdisciplinary in nature, 
bridging computer science with its development of artificial intelligence, 
information systems with its development of decision support systems, and 
engineering with its development of systems.

The Intelligent Decisions Technologies conference will consist of keynote 
talks, oral and poster presentations, invited sessions and workshops, on the 
applications and theory of intelligent decision systems and related areas. It 
will provide excellent opportunities for the presentation of interesting new 
research results and discussion about them, leading to knowledge transfer and 
generation of new ideas.

For the full scope and more information, please visit the website: 

Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services 2015 (IIMSS-15)
Conference Chair: Ernesto Damiani and Harald Kosch

We are delighted to announce IIMSS-15 the 8th International Conference on 
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services.

At a time when computers are more widespread than ever and computer users range 
from highly qualified scientists to non-computer expert professionals, 
Intelligent Interactive Systems are becoming a necessity in modern computer 
systems. The solution of "one-fits-all" is no longer applicable to wide ranges 
of users of various backgrounds and needs. Therefore one important goal of many 
intelligent interactive systems is dynamic personalization and adaptivity to 
users. Multimedia Systems refer to the coordinated storage, processing, 
transmission and retrieval of multiple forms of information, such as audio, 
image, video, animation, graphics, and text. The growth rate of multimedia 
services has become explosive, as technological progress matches consumer needs 
for content.

The aim of the conference is to provide an internationally respected forum for 
scientific research in the technologies and applications of intelligent and 
interactive multimedia systems and services.

For the full scope and more information, please visit the website: 

Smart Education and E-Learning 2015 (SEEL-15 formerly STET14)
Conference Chair: Vladimir Uskov

SEEL-15 theme: Launching a New Vision in Education and e-Learning

Following on from the First International Conference on Smart Technology-based 
Education and Training 2014 (STET-14), SEEL-15 is a major international forum 
for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, technologies, systems, 
findings and outcomes of research and design and development projects in the 
emerging areas of smart education, smart e-learning, applications of smart 
technology and smart systems in education and e-learning, smart classrooms and 
smart universities, and knowledge-based smart society.

SEEL will provide an excellent opportunity for scholars, Ph.D. students, 
faculty, administrators, and practitioners to meet well-known experts from all 
over the world and to discuss innovative ideas and approaches, advances in 
smart technology and intelligent systems, state-of-the-art software and 
hardware systems, research findings and outcomes, best practices and case 
studies, national and international projects, institutional standards and 
policies, and many other topics related to smart technology-based education and 
corporate training.

For the full scope and more information, please visit the website: 

Dates and Deadlines

General Track Papers

Submission of Papers: EXTENSION - 19 January 2015
Notification of Acceptance: 16 February 2015
Upload of Final Publication Files: 2 March 2015

Invited Session and Workshops

Submission of Invited Session Proposals: 1 December 2014
Submission of Papers: Session Chair Sets Deadline
Notification of Acceptance: Session Chair Sets Deadline
Upload of Final Publication Files: 2 March 2015
(Publication files are the wordprocessor source in MS Word or LaTeX together 
with a final PDF.) 

Early Registration Deadline: 2 March 2015

Every paper for inclusion in the published proceedings must have at least one 
author who has 
registered for the conference with payment by: 21 March 2015


The conference will be held at the Hilton's Sorrento Palace in Sorrento. This 
hotel boasts stunning views of Mount Vesuvius and you can also visit the 
historic ruins of ancient Pompeii, take a short boat trip to the stunningly 
beautiful island of Capri, or explore the alluring hotspots of Positano and 
Ravello on the gorgeous Amalfi Coast, with their glorious coupling of rough sea 
cliffs and vibrant azure waters.

Further Information

For general enquiries about the conference, please contact: 
For registration enquiries, please contact: registrat...@kesinternational.info 
You can follow us for updates on: 
Twitter: @KESIntsys and @KESIntl 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KesInternational
If you have any problems please email: ad...@kesinternational.org
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