Call for Papers

Personalization: Methods and Applications
  a workshop in conjunction with the
  28th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2014)

December 12, 2014 – Montreal, Canada

Deadline for Submissions: October 9, 2014

From online news to online shopping to scholarly research, we are
inundated with a torrent of information on a daily basis. With our
limited time, money and attention, we often struggle to extract
actionable knowledge from this deluge of data. A common approach for
addressing this challenge is personalization, where results are
automatically filtered to match the tastes and preferences of
individual users.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers
from industry and academia in order to describe recent advances and
discuss future research directions pertaining to the personalization
of digital systems, broadly construed.  We aim to highlight new and
emerging research opportunities for the machine learning community
that arise from the evolving needs for personalization.

Format and Submissions
This is a one-day workshop. The program will feature five invited
talks, poster spotlights, a poster session, and a panel discussion.

We welcome the following types of papers:
 1. Research papers that introduce new models or methodology, or apply
established models/methods to novel domains and data sets; or,
 2. Research papers that explore theoretical and computational issues.

We encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines, from
machine learning to HCI to the social sciences.  Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to):
- Learning of fine-grained representations of user preferences
- Large-scale personalization
- Interpreting observable human behavior
- Interactive algorithms for "on-the-fly" personalization
- Learning to personalize using rich user interactions
- Modeling complex sensemaking goals
- Applications beyond conventional recommender systems

Submissions should be 4-8 pages long, and adhere to the NIPS format

Please make the author information visible on submissions.
Submissions will be accepted through the following website:

For up-to-date information on the workshop, please check:

Deadline for Submissions: October 9, 2014 [11:59pm Honolulu time]
Notification of Decision: October 23, 2014

Khalid El-Arini, Facebook
Yisong Yue, Caltech
Dilan Gorur, Microsoft


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