=== Research Position ========
Doctoral Fellow:  Queen's University Belfast - School of Electronics, 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Deadline:  15th November 2014

Job Ref: 14/103507

The School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
(www.qub.ac.uk/school/eeecs) has an international reputation due to its far 
reaching research activities and many successes at both undergraduate and 
postgraduate level. With over 50 academic staff and over 1000 undergraduates, 
the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is 
accomplished in both research and teaching. 
Spanning seven research clusters, the School's research-led ethos is evidenced 
by its creation and development of a number of major interdisciplinary research 
centres, including the Institute of Electronics, Communication and Information 
Technology (ECIT www.ecit.qub.ac.uk), a £40m world-class centre for research, 
incorporating the £30m UK Innovation Knowledge Centre for Secure Information 
Technologies (CSIT www.csit.qub.ac.uk).
Applications are now sought for the above position from outstanding individuals 
with the desire and potential to contribute to the further development of the 
This newly created, two-year post aims to provide a career development 
opportunity for applicants who are at a relatively early stage of their 
academic career but who have demonstrated the potential to generate high 
quality research. The expectation is that the Fellows will undertake research 
that will lead to high quality publications during their tenure and contribute 
to the teaching duties within the School.  
Applications are welcomed from any discipline aligned with the School's 
Knowledge and Data Engineering (KDE), High Performance and Distributed 
Computing (HPDC), Secure Digital Systems (SDS) and Speech, Image and Vision 
Systems (SIVS) Research Clusters; preference will be given to applicants who 
can contribute to the teaching of Computer Science.
Informal enquiries for the Doctoral Fellow post may be directed to Professor D 
Crookes, email: d.croo...@qub.ac.uk or telephone: +44 (0)28 9097 1724.   

The University is a diverse and international institution which is strongly 
committed to equality of opportunity and to section on merit. It therefore 
welcomes applications from all sections of society and particularly welcomes 
applications from women as females are underrepresented in these areas.
Please see http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AJP290/doctoral-fellow/ for how to apply, 
or please visit our website for further information and to apply online - 
www.qub.ac.uk/jobs or alternatively contact the Personnel Department, Queen's 
University Belfast, BT7 1NN. Telephone (028) 90973044 FAX: (028) 90971040 or 
e-mail on person...@qub.ac.uk

The University is committed to equality of opportunity and to selection on 
merit. It therefore welcomes applications from all sections of society and 
particularly welcomes applications from people with a disability. 
Fixed term contract posts are available for the stated period in the first 
instance but in particular circumstances may be renewed or made permanent 
subject to availability of funding.

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