

        IUI 2010 Workshop on Social Recommender Systems (

        New submission Deadline:  *December 15th, 2009***

        In conjunction with 2010 ACM International Conference on Intelligent
User Interfaces http://www.iuiconf.org

        Hong Kong, February 7 to 10th, 2010


Social media sites have become tremendously popular in recent years.
Prominent examples include photo and video sharing sites such as Flickr and
YouTube, blog and wiki systems such as Blogger and Wikipedia, social tagging
sites such as Delicious, social network sites (SNSs), such as MySpace and
Facebook, and micro-blogging sites such as Twitter. Millions of users are
active daily in these sites, creating rich information online that has not
been available before. Yet, the abundance and popularity of social media
sites floods users with huge volumes of information and hence poses a great
challenge in terms of information overload.

Social Recommender Systems (SRSs) aim to alleviate information overload over
social media users by presenting the most attractive and relevant content,
often using personalization techniques adapted for the specific user. SRSs
also aim at increasing adoption, engagement, and participation of new and
existing users of social media sites. In addition to recommending content to
consume, new types of recommendations emerge within social media, such as of
people and communities to connect to, to follow, or to join.

This workshop desires to bring together researchers and practitioners around
the emerging topic of recommender systems within social media in order to:
(1) share research and techniques used to develop effective social media
recommenders, from algorithms, through user interfaces, to evaluation (2)
identify next key challenges in the area, and (3) identify new cross-topic
collaboration opportunities.

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

Social recommender technologies and applications

    * Model of recommendation context (e.g., types of information needed)
for social recommender systems

    * New algorithms suitable for social recommender systems

    * New recommender applications for social media sites (e.g., people and
community recommenders)

    * Recommendations for individuals and communities

    * Social recommender systems in the enterprise

    * Diversity and novelty in social recommender systems

    * Recommendations for diverse user groups (e.g., new users of social
media sites versus frequent users)

User interfaces in social recommender systems (SRSs)

    * Transparency and explanations in SRSs

    * Adaption and personalization for SRSs

    * User feedback in SRSs

    * Trust and reputation in SRSs

    * Social awareness and visualization


    * Evaluation methods and evaluations of SRSs

    * User studies




* December 15th, 2009: Submission of long, short, and demo papers

* January 5th, 2010: Author notification

* January 15th, 2010: Submission of camera-ready version

* February 7th, 2010: Workshop held




Papers should be submitted in PDF format by email to


All submissions should be prepared according to the standard SIGCHI
publications format (see http://www.iuiconf.org/cfp.html). Paper selection
will be based on a peer review process; there will be no blind review
process - author names and affiliations should be included in the paper.

Paper categories:

* Long papers (up to 10 pages) - submissions should report on
substantial contributions
of lasting value.

* Short papers (up to 4 pages) - submissions typically discuss work in progress
that is not yet mature enough for a long paper.

* Demo papers - presenters of demo systems are asked to submit short
papers describing
their system.

Authors of high-quality workshop submissions will be invited to submit an
extended version of the paper to a special issue of ACM journal.




Ido Guy, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Michelle X. Zhou, IBM China Research Lab, China
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