One final call for paper related to the ACM International Conference
on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI09) -
Sanibel Island, Florida, USA;  8-11 February 2009

Conference website:

Due date
 Weds,  1 October 2008              Electronic Abstracts for Long Papers
 Friday, 3 October 2008               Long & Short Paper submissions
 Monday, 8 December 2008         Demo Proposals submission

IUI 2009 is the annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community
and serves as the principal international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.
IUI is where the community of people interested in Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) meets the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community.
We're also very interested in contributions from related fields, such
as psychology, cognitive science, computer graphics, the arts, etc. .

Conference Co-Chairs:
  Cristina Conati (University of British Columbia, Canada)
  Mathias Bauer (mineway GmbH, Germany)

Program Co-Chairs:
  Nuria Oliver (Telefonica R&D, Spain)
  Dan Weld (University of Washington, USA)

Why submit to IUI?
Unlike traditional AI, our focus is not so much to make the computer
smart all by itself, but to make the interaction between computers and
people smarter. Unlike traditional HCI, we're more willing to consider
solutions that involve large amounts of knowledge, heuristics, and
emerging technologies such as natural language understanding or
gesture recognition

The IUI conference gives you a chance to present and to see work in an
intimate, focused, no-nonsense event. It is large enough to be diverse
and lively (we expect 150-200 people), but small enough to avoid the
circus-like atmosphere of conferences with thousands of people. The
vast majority of the attendees are actively involved with conceiving
and developing cutting-edge interfaces leading to a high and fast
impact of research results presented at IUI. It brings together people
from academics, industry, and nonprofits. As an ACM conference, papers
appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation indices. There will
also be a journal publication path for selected papers. It's a single
track conference, so you don't have to miss anything. And it's always
in a beautiful place!

IUI topics include, but are not limited to:

User input
            Processing of multimodal input
            Gesture, attention, and face recognition
            Natural language and speech processing

Generation of system output
            Intelligent visualization tools
            Intelligent generation of multimedia presentations

Ubiquitous computing
            Intelligent interfaces for ubiquitous computing
            Smart environments

            Intelligent assistants for complex tasks
            Support for collaboration in multiuser environments
            Intelligent information and knowledge management

Categories of intelligence
            Novel intelligent interfaces
            Affective, social and aesthetic interfaces
            User-adaptivity in interactive systems
            Personalization and recommender systems
            Modeling and prediction of user behavior
            Planning and plan recognition

IUI Design
            Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
            Proactive and agent-based paradigms for user interaction
            Example- and demonstration-based interfaces

User studies
            User studies concerning intelligent interfaces
            Evaluations of implemented intelligent user interfaces
Giuseppe Carenini
University of British Columbia, CANADA
Publicity Chair for IUI'09

Department of Computer Science, CICSR #129,
University of British Columbia, 2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z4
Office Phone: (604) 822-5109
Cell. : 778-9949042
Fax: (604) 822-5485
uai mailing list

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