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Call for papers 
     You are cordially invited to send papers at the following international 
workshops. Selected papers will be published in international journals. 
CANS 2008
Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems.
Medical Applications of the Complex Systems. Biomedical Computing
Location: Tg. Mures, Romania
November 8-10, 2008
Romanian Academy, Bucharest and Petru Maior University, Tg. Mures  
BICS 2008 
Bio-Inspired Computational Methods Used for Difficult Problems Solving. 
Development of Intelligent and Complex Systems
Location: Tg. Mures, Romania 
November 5-7, 2008
Romanian Academy, Bucharest and Petru Maior University, Tg. Mures
     If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.  You can specify if you 
need for more time then the established deadline for finishing a paper.
With best regards,
 BICS 2008 and CANS 2008 Committee,

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