University of Nottingham
Lecturer in Computer Science
Intelligent Modelling and Analysis Research Group
School of Computer Science

Applications are invited for the above post in the Intelligent Modelling
and Analysis (IMA) Research Group in School of Computer Science. The IMA
group has recently been established to focus a growing area of interest
in the School. The group currently has four permanent academics, two
support staff, six researchers, over 30 PhD students and holds over £5m
in external research funding.

Further information about the IMA Research Group is available at:

Full details of the vacancy can be found here:

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor U Aickelin, Email:
Professor Uwe Aickelin
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK.

tel: +44 (0)115 95 14215

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