The Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology
edited by Ron Sun
published by Cambridge U. Press
This book is a definitive reference source for the growing,
increasingly more important, and interdisciplinary field of
computational cognitive modeling, that is, computational psychology.
It combines breadth of coverage with definitive statements by leading
scientists in this field. Research in computational cognitive
modeling (or, simply, computational psychology) explores the essence
of cognition and various cognitive functionalities through developing
detailed, process-based understanding by specifying computational
mechanisms, structures, and processes. Given the complexity of the
human mind and its manifestation in behavioral flexibility, process-
based computational models may be necessary to explicate and
elucidate the intricate details of the mind. The key to understanding
cognitive processes is often in fine details. Computational models
provide algorithmic specificity: detailed, exactly specified, and
carefully thought-out steps, arranged in precise yet flexible
sequences. These models provide both conceptual clarity and precision
at the same time. This book substantiates this approach through
overviews and many examples.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction
Chapter 1. Introduction to Computational Cognitive Modeling.
Ron Sun
Part 2: Cognitive Modeling Paradigms
Chapter 2. Connectionist Models of Cognition.
Michael Thomas and James McClelland
Chapter 3. Bayesian Models of Cognition.
Thomas Griffiths, Charles Kemp, and Joshua Tenenbaum
Chapter 4. Dynamical Systems Approaches to Cognition.
Gregor Schoener
Chapter 5. Declarative/Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling.
Selmer Bringsjord
Chapter 6. Constraints in Cognitive Architectures.
Niels Taatgen and John Anderson
Part 3: Computational Modeling of Various Cognitive Functionalities
and Domains
Chapter 7. Computational Models of Episodic Memory.
Kenneth Norman, Greg Detre, and Sean Polyn
Chapter 8. Computational Models of Semantic Memory.
Timothy Rogers
Chapter 9. Models of Categorization.
John Kruschke
Chapter 10. Micro-Process Models of Decision Making.
Jerome Busemeyer and Joseph Johnson
Chapter 11. Models of Inductive Reasoning.
Evan Heit
Chapter 12. Mental Logic, Mental Models, and Simulations of Human
Deductive Reasoning.
Philip Johnson-Laird and Yingrui Yang
Chapter 13. Computational Models of Skill Acquisition.
Stellan Ohlsson
Chapter 14. Computational Models of Implicit Learning.
Axel Cleeremans and Zoltan Dienes
Chapter 15. Computational Models of Attention and Cognitive Control.
Nicola De Pisapia, Grega Repovs, Todd Braver
Chapter 16. Computational Models of Developmental Psychology.
Thomas Shultz and Sylvain Sirois
Chapter 17. Computational Models of Psycholinguistics.
Nick Chater and Morten Christiansen
Chapter 18. Computational Models in Personality and Social
Stephen Read and Brian Monroe
Chapter 19. Cognitive Social Simulation.
Ron Sun
Chapter 20. Models of Scientific Explanation.
Paul Thagard and Abninder Litt
Chapter 21. Cognitive Modeling for Cognitive Engineering.
Wayne Gray
Chapter 22. Models of Animal Learning and Their Relations to
Human Learning.
Francisco Lopez and David Shanks
Chapter 23. Computational Modeling of Visual Information Processing.
Pawan Sinha and Benjamin Balas
Chapter 24. Models of Motor Control.
Ferdinando Mussa-Ivaldi and Sara Solla
Part 4: Concluding Remarks
Chapter 25. An Evaluation of Computational Modeling in Cognitive
Margaret Boden
Chapter 26. Putting the Pieces Together Again.
Aaron Sloman
To order, go to:
Professor Ron Sun
Cognitive Science Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 Eighth Street, Carnegie 302A
Troy, NY 12180, USA
phone: 518-276-3409
fax: 518-276-3017
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