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    MultiAgent Systems & Bioinformatics 2008 (MAS&BIO 2008)

                       13 September 2008

                        Cagliari, Italy

              held in conjunction with AI*IA 2008:
                       AI and Life Science

           URL: http://iasc2.diee.unica.it/masls2008/
           URL: http://iasc2.diee.unica.it/aiia2008/

Organized by MAS-AIxIA: 
Working Group on Agents and Multiagents Systems


This workshop is aimed at bringing together and creating synergies
between researchers working  on software agents,  on  the one hand,
and bioinformatics and  computational  biology, on  the other hand,
to discuss  relevant issues  and approaches aimed at  assessing and
promoting the adoption of  innovative technologies in such  fields.
The  workshop  will  mainly focus on  the benefits of adopting  the
agent technology in:

1. storing, accessing, and distributing relevant biological data;
2. implementing the automation of information-gathering and
   information-inference processes in biological settings;
3. analysing, modelling, and simulating biological objects and

A selection of papers presented at the Workshop will also be 
collected and published in a special issue of an international


* Multi-Agent Interaction in Biological Settings
* Coordination of tasks and data
* Collaboration in peer-to-peer networks
* Multi-strategy and meta-learning for cooperative information
* Comparison of available technologies, limitations, pros and cons
* Analysis and Modelling of Data and Tasks
* Integrated genotyping and gene linkage analysis
* Multi-agent systems for gene expression analysis
* Multi-agent systems for protein analysis
* Modelling of biological processes
* Architectures, Languages, Tools, and Applications
* Agent-based architectures and frameworks tailored for biological
* Customization of agent-based tools, languages, and libraries for
  biological domains
* Knowledge management
* Agent-based integration of biological knowledge
* Agent-based data mining and knowledge discovery in biological
* Multi-agent information gathering in biological settings
* Integration of heterogeneous data sources and/or services
* Ontologies for Biological Domains
* Collaborative ontology construction
* Distributed ontology management 


Those wishing to  participate  to the workshop  are  requested to
submit an original research paper,  not  published  or  submitted
elsewhere. Papers will be peer reviewed by at least two  referees
from  the workshops   scientific   committee  based on  technical
relevance, quality, clarity of  presentation, objective  analysis
of the reported  experiences,  and novelty.  High-profile  survey
paperscould be also considered for publication.

The length  of a paper must not exceed 15 single-spaced  A4 pages
including  figures,  tables,  and  references.  Papers should  be
formatted using the Springer LNCS style.  Templates are available
at Springer.

The language of the workshop is English. At least  one author per
each accepted paper is expected to register and present the paper
at the workshop.

Papers must be submitted using EasyChair system at: 


Please first register at  EasyChair  first  if  you  did  not use
EasyChair before. 

All accepted papers will be included in the  workshop proceedings
of the workshop.


* Paper submission deadline (extended): 2 June 2008
* Notification of authors: 22 June 2008
* Final versions due: 20 July 2008
* Workshop: 13 September 2008


Matteo Baldoni (University of Torino, Italy)
Emanuela Merelli (University of Camerino, Italy)
Eloisa Vargiu (University of Cagliari, Italy)


Giuliano Armano (University of Cagliari)
Marco Botta (University of Torino)
Giacomo Cabri (University of Modena - Reggio Emilia)
Nicola Cannata (University of Camerino)
Mario Cannataro (Università "Magna Grecia" di Catanzaro)
Agostino Dovier (University of Udine)
Alfredo Garro (University of Calabria)
Andrea Manconi (University of Cagliari)
Luciano Milanesi (ITB - CNR)
Marco Montali (University of Bologna)
Andrea Omicini (University of Bologna - Cesena)
Alessandro Orro (ITB - CNR)
Agostino Poggi (University of Parma)
Alessandro Ricci (University of Bologna - Cesena)
Paolo Romano (IST - Genova)
Corrando Santoro (University of Catania)
Sergio Storari (University of Ferrara)
Patricia Rodriguez Tomé (CRS4 - Bioinformatics)
Giuseppe Vizzari (University of Milano - Bicocca)
Franco Zambonelli (University of Modena - Reggio Emilia)

Ing.PhD.Sergio Storari
University of Ferrara
Engineering department in Ferrara (ENDIF)
via Saragat, 1 44100 Ferrara FE Italy
TEL: +39 0532 974951
FAX: +39 0532 974870
homepage: www.ing.unife.it/docenti/SergioStorari/

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