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                     CALL FOR PAPERS


   9 July 2008, Helsinki, in conjunction with the ICML/UAI/COLT

   Web page: http://rlai.cs.ualberta.ca/openpages2/MLHealth
            (please monitor this page for updates)


Health-care applications have been and continue to be the source of inspiration for many areas of artificial intelligence research. Many advances in various sub-specialties of AI have been inspired by challenges posed by medical problems. A new challenge for AI in general, but machine learning in particular, arises from the wealth and variety of data generated in modern medical and health-care settings. Extensive electronic health and medical records---with thousands of fields recording patient conditions, diagnostic tests, treatments, outcomes, and so on---provide an unprecedented source of information that can provide clues leading to potential improvements in disease detection, chronic disease management, design of clinical trials, and other aspects of health-care. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together machine learning researchers interested in problems and applications in health-care, with the goal of exchanging ideas and perspectives, identifying important and challenging applications, and raising awareness of potential health-care applications in the machine learning community.

The workshop program will consists of presentations by invited speakers and authors of the papers submitted and accepted to the workshop. A panel session focusing on the main challenges and open problems in the field will be held at the end of the workshop.

The workshop is supported by AICML.

Suggested topics:

We seek submissions developing new or applying existing ML methods to medical and health-care applications. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * disease modeling and disease detection
    * patient monitoring and alarm systems
    * treatment outcome predictions
    * optimization of patient-management workflows
    * biomedical text mining
    * patient record anonymisation
    * integration of biomedical data sources and domain knowledge
    * translational bioinformatics
    * biosurveillance
    * design of clinical trials

Submissions addressing theoretical problems should clearly outline the expected impact of the proposed solution to the medical field.

Paper submission:

Please submit an extended abstract (1 to 3 pages in two-column ICML format) to the workshop email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] The abstract should include author names, affiliations, and contact information. Papers will be reviewed by the members of the program committee and decisions on the acceptance together with the reviewers' feedback will be emailed back to authors on May 17, 2008. Authors of accepted extended abstracts are encouraged to submit a full version of their paper. All submissions will be published on the conference web site.


In addition to authors of accepted papers presenting their works we are planning on having 4-5 invited talks.

Important dates:

    * Extended abstract submission deadline: May 1, 2008
    * Acceptance notification: May 17, 2008
    * Full papers due: June 20, 2008
    * Workshop: July 9, 2008


    * Milos Hauskrecht
    * Dale Schuurmans
    * Csaba Szepesvari

Contact email:


Program Committee:

    * Constantin Aliferis
    * Gregory Cooper
    * Russ Greiner
    * Milos Hauskrecht
    * David Heckerman
    * Peter Lucas
    * Subramani Mani
    * Lucila Ohno-Machado
    * Nils Peek
    * Pascal Poupart
    * Marco Ramoni
    * Stuart Russell
    * Dale Schuurmans
    * Csaba Szepesvari
    * Shyam Viswesvaran
    * Chris Williams
    * Blaz Zupan
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