One final call for paper related to the ACM International Conference on 
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI08) - Canary Islands, Spain, January 13th-16th 

   Due Date:
   Monday Oct 1, 2007       Long and Short Papers
   Monday Aug 27, 2007      Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

New highlights from the conference website:

The X-Media Student Scholar and Volunteer Program provides partial travel 
support of up to 250 Euro for students who are full-time undergraduate or 
graduate students at colleges and universities, who submit papers to the 
conference or workshop programs and show letters of recommendation from their 
faculty advisor.

Please see the detail at

IUI 2008 will focus on **interface innovation**. We're most interested in truly 
new ideas about how people and computers could interact. If you've got a new 
idea about how to make interfaces smarter, easier to use, and more effective, 
we want to hear it!

General Chair:
   Steffen Staab
   Universitat Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Program Chairs:
   Jeffrey Bradshaw
   Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, U.S.A.

   Henry Lieberman
   Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.

For more information, please visit the conference website:

Why submit to IUI?
IUI is where the community of people interested in Human-Computer Interaction 
(HCI) meets the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community. We're also very 
interested in contributions from related fields, such as psychology, cognitive 
science, computer graphics, the arts, etc. Unlike traditional AI, our focus is 
not so much to make the computer smart all by itself, but to make the 
interaction between computers and people smarter. Unlike traditional HCI, we're 
more willing to consider solutions that involve large amounts of knowledge, 
heuristics, and emerging technologies such as natural language understanding or 
gesture recognition.

The IUI conference gives you a chance to present and to see work in an 
intimate, focused, no-nonsense event. It is large enough to be diverse and 
lively (we expect 150-200 people), but small enough to avoid the circus-like 
atmosphere of conferences with thousands of people. The vast majority of the 
attendees are actively involved with conceiving and developing cutting-edge 
interfaces leading to a high and fast impact of research results presented at 
IUI. It brings together people from academics, industry, and nonprofits. As an 
ACM conference, papers appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation indices. 
There will also be a journal publication path for selected papers. It's a 
single track conference, so you don't have to miss anything. And it's always in 
a beautiful place, in January!

IUI topics include, but are not limited
- Natural language and speech input and ouput;
- Example and programming based interfaces;
- Personalization, collaboration, and recommender systems;
- Interfaces that learn, teach, provide feedback, or adapt to the user;
- AI techniques such as planning and reasoning in interfaces;
- Knowledge-based systems;
- Intelligent Visualization;
- Gesture, attention, and face recognition;
- Affective computing, social computing, and aesthetic computing;
- Ubiquitous computing, ambient computing, and tangible computing;
- Novel methods for, and novel results of, evaluating intelligent user 

Pearl Pu
EPFL, Switzerland
Publicity Chair for IUI'08

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