Also available in same project:
- one year position in Human Computer Interaction
- two year position in Psychology of Decision Making
 For details see http://4c.ucc.ie/creeds/

The Cork Constraint Computation Centre (http://4c.ucc.ie) is seeking
candidates for a one-year appointment beginning in 2008 connecting dynamic
systems and uncertain reasoning with constraint satisfaction problems and
constraint programming. This position is part of an EU-funded project,
"Constraint Reasoning Extended to Enhance Decision Support" (CREEDS), which
began in July, 2006. The purpose of CREEDS is to allow 4C to extend the
scope of its research activities into the field of Decision Support Systems;
this will include exploring the integration of constraint programming and
decision support and devising new methods to support decision making, which
can be guided by theoretical treatments of decision making.

The applicant must have a Ph.D. or four years of research experience since
obtaining a university degree and have expertise in relevant areas, such as
forecasting, prediction, simulation or reasoning under uncertainty. In
addition, any experience in constraint programming would be an advantage.
EU-requirements: The applicant must not have worked or studied in Ireland
for more than 12 months during the past 3 years. Preference will be given to
Researchers from the EU, Associated States, and to researchers that have
resided more than 4 years in the EU or Associated states.(Associated states
are: Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Iceland, Israel, Croatia, The Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Liechtenstein.)

The researcher will work with and train 4C staff members in the course of
carrying out research related to decision support systems. The research
responsibilities involve:

  - working on the development of applications in the area of decision

  - examination of relations between the researcher's own area of expertise
and work conducted at 4C and in constraint programming generally. This will
entail production of deliverables in the form of documents that may be
written up for workshop, conference, or journal submission. Critiques,
surveys, and proposals may also be written up as Technical Reports;

  - leading a "talks and seminars" program in the relevant area of

CREEDS hosted researchers will benefit from a broad exposure to constraint
programming, including a master's level course offered by the Computer
Science Department. Moreover, they will benefit from 4C's active visitor
program: we hosts about 20 research visitors a year, for stays ranging from
a few days to a few months, from all over the world.

Each incoming researcher will be equipped with a PC and office facilities
and access to the 4C and university computer network. 4C has its own
administrative and systems support staff, plus support from the Computer
Science Department and University administrators.

The Cork Constraint Computation Centre at University College Cork is one of
the leading academic centres of constraint programming research in the
world. The centre has about 50 staff members, including academics, research
staff and students, from over a dozen countries and collaborates with
researchers from many countries. It, therefore, has considerable experience
absorbing non-Irish and even non-EU researchers into its organisation. 4C is
collaborating on research projects with a number of companies and has an
Industry Associates Program (www.4c.ucc.ie/iap) with over 50 members. 4C is
based in its own building in the centre of Cork City, a short walk from the
main University College Cork campus.

Interested parties can contact either
Rick Wallace ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
Tomas Nordlander ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or

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