The following job announcement for Lectureships (approximately equivalent to US Assistant Professor positions) may be of interest to the UAI mailing list.
-Zoubin Ghahramani ---------- University Lectureships in Statistics University of Cambridge, UK The EPSRC has awarded Cambridge University a grant of GPB 2.3m under the Science & Innovation Scheme for a development of Statistics. As part of this program, applications are invited for up to three University Lectureships in Statistics, to be held in the Statistical Laboratory and filled by 1 September 2007 or by negotiation. The pensionable scale of stipends for a University Lecturer from 1 August 2007 is GBP 33,779 to GBP 42,791 per year. Appointees will be placed at an appropriate point on this scale. Further particulars may be obtained from Most University Lecturers accept a concurrent college fellowship, with additional stipend. The Statistical Laboratory is a sub-department of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, and gained the highest grade 5* in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. Information about the Laboratory can be found at Applications should be sent in hard copy or by email to the Director, Professor R R Weber, Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WB (telephone (01223) 337958; fax (01223) 337956; email [EMAIL PROTECTED]), and should include full curriculum vitae, email address, list of publications, and the names and email addresses of three academic referees. Applicants must ask their referees to write directly to the Director, to reach him by the closing date of 2 March 2007. ---------- Zoubin Ghahramani Professor of Information Engineering University of Cambridge _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU