Rich wrote:

 > After describing decision analysis to my class recently, a student
 > actually applied it on his job. A question then came up. Where has it
 > been successfully applied in real life problems? Although it's been
 > around my whole life (at least since Jimmy Savage's book in 1954), I
 > actually am aware of few real applications. There are a lot of
 > publications that discuss problems that look real (e.g. Clemen's
 > book), but is any of this real? Did Penzoil really analyze the
 > problem as Clemen describes? Of course sitting in my `ivory tower' I
 > would not know what goes on in corporate America, etc. So I would be
 > curious to learn of any real applications of decision analysis,
 > especially ones that are published. This could be in an expert system
 > (that people use) or to make a one time decision.


There is a paper by Peter Neumann, entitled "Why don’t Americans use 
cost-effectiveness analysis".
This is not what you are looking for, but I think it still may be of 

A book by the same author further explores those ideas: "Using 
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to Improve Health Care : Opportunities and 

Best regards,

Francisco Javier Diez              Phone: (+34) 91.398.71.61
Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial      Fax:   (+34) 91.398.88.95
UNED. c/Juan del Rosal, 16
28040 Madrid. Spain      
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