See Marc Victor's Litigation Risk Analysis:

Mr. Victor has been successfully selling his method to lawyers and other 
decision makers for at least 15 years.


  Peter T

>Date: Wed Mar 29 08:31:26 CST 2006
>Subject: [UAI] Who uses Decision Analysis?

>After describing decision analysis to my class recently, a student 
>actually applied it on his job. A question then came up. Where has it 
>been successfully applied in real life problems? Although it's been 
>around my whole life (at least since Jimmy Savage's book in 1954), I 
>actually am aware of few real applications. There are a lot of 
>publications that discuss problems that look real (e.g. Clemen's 
>book), but is any of this real? Did Penzoil really analyze the 
>problem as Clemen describes? Of course sitting in my `ivory tower' I 
>would not know what goes on in corporate America, etc. So I would be 
>curious to learn of any real applications of decision analysis, 
>especially ones that are published. This could be in an expert system 
>(that people use) or to make a one time decision.
>Richard E. Neapolitan
>Professor and Chair of Computer Science
>Northeastern Illinois University
>5500 N. St. Louis
>Chicago, Illinois 60625 
>uai mailing list


Peter Tillers

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