On Mon, Sep 03, 2012 at 09:15:56PM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Nobuhiro Iwamatsu,
> In message 
> <CABMQnVLBEEjcEtfTzdeThHfTLp=b24qsognfjbzr-8ywytj...@mail.gmail.com> you 
> wrote:
> > 
> > I am working supporting  Renesas RMOBILE to U-Boot.
> > Renesas's RMOBILE SoC family contains an ARM Cortex-A9, and this uses
> > the same IP as SH.
> > (For example, timer, ether, serial, etc.)
> > I already sent to patches of rmobile, I got review from some developers.
> > And the patch is managed by the arm/rmobile branch of u-boot-sh[0]
> > which I have maintained, now.
> > Since I had you take the patch of rmobile into an ARM repository, I
> > consulted with Albert about the
> > future development approach.
> > 
> > We thought two methods are considered.
> > One is Albert picks up a patch from ML to ARM repository,
> As this is ARM code, this appears the most natural approach to me.
> > Another is whether to have pull from the repository by having a
> > repository for rmobile made.
> If this is an ARM SoC, then it should go through the ARM repo - even
> if we should later decide that there is so much traffic that a
> separate rmobile repo would be sustified, thi would still be a
> sub-repo, which Albert would pull from.

Another option, which Mike is using for, iirc, sf and blackfin, is just
to add rmobile-master / rmobile-next as branches to the u-boot-sh

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