On 8/9/2012 2:12 PM, stefano babic wrote:
Am 09/08/2012 21:29, schrieb Eric Nelson:
Why do you not pass the mode to do_resetmode_cmd() and let this function
parse the argument, without these help functions ? Then we do not need
to add new functions if we have, for example, mmc2 or mmc3.
These functions are requested shortcuts.
"bootmmc0" is the same as "resetmode mmc0 && reset"
Hi Troy,
As one of the few that made this request:
I take it back...
I was mostly after a single command that also performs 'reset',
and agree with Stefano that an argument for the mode is a better
U-Boot> bootto usb
U-Boot> bootto mmc
I'm also rethinking the request for 'resetmode' because
of the conflict with 'reset' (i.e. 'res' is no longer a
unique command-complete).
Yes, there is no reason to have a conflict with "reset"
The first implementation with
'rsmode' seemed to be an odd abbreviation.
Anybody else have a suggestion?
U-Boot> rstmode usb && reset
U-Boot> bmode usb && reset
In Freescale documentation this is called "boot mode" - using the same
terminology can reduce confusion. I do not discuss which name is better,
but if someone reads the SOC's manual and then find a command for "boot
mode", it is normal that he automatically knows what is going on. "Boot"
conflicts with other u-boot command, then "bmode" is my first choice.
Best regards,
Stefano Babic
O.K., how about this syntax
bmode mmc0|mmc1|usb|normal [noreset]
with immediate reset being the default.
Perhaps, unless normal is specified, which won't reset?
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