Hi Marek,

On 01/26/2012 04:59 AM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>> This patch series add support for new board Nokia RX-51 (aka N900).
>> Last two patches adding on screen bootmenu support.
> Isn't on-screen bootmenu already supported by common/menu.c stuff ?
>> This series supersedes the last sent version.
> So ... this is V2? What are the changes from previous version of the series? 
> Please read Submitting patches on the wiki next time.

I've been through the revision/submission for this series extensively
off-list with Pali in order to attempt to fix-up the initial revision
non-compliance issues (as well as commit messages, trivial style issues etc)

It got to the point were maintaining the revision history consistent with
the previous series was a bit of a 'train wreck' so let's all forget about
it (call the last lot an RFC) and move on :)



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