Hi Andreas,

On 12/20/11 13:53, Andreas Müller wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 20, 2011 12:41:08 PM you wrote:
>> Dear Tom Rini,
>> In message <CA+M6bXn_ZBqA8rosE4L4O+4Eu+grAhWgCZ=u=2Nomb6WcyL6-
> w...@mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
>>>> I guess you really, really must use i2c before relocation? =A0If
>>>> possible, this should be avoided in the first place.
>>> Yes, board rev detection to know how to configure SDRAM.
>> I don't consider this a valid reason (reading the SPD EEPROM would be
>> such a reason).  In almost all other cases it should be suffucient to
>> configure the maximum number of memory banks and the maximum size of
>> the memory banks and then use get_ram_size() to determine the actual
>> amount of memory and to correctly initialize the memory controller.
>> Note that I don't insist on any changes to existing code here.  This
>> is just a recommendation which you may (or may not) consider for any
>> future ports / implementations.
> Dear Wolfgang Denk,
> I agree to your concerns but - as I understood Steve Sakoman - here the 
> situation is slightly different: 
> At elder overo boards TWL4030 RTC irq is connected to gpio112. Unfortunately 
> this pin is also used for binary revision detection. Therefore we need to 
> send 
> 'shut-up' to TWL4030 via i2c to avoid reading wrong revision. In SPL this 
> must 
> be done *before* SDRAM (timing) is set up, because the type of SDRAM is 
> revision dependent.

What about forging some very not optimized default DRAM settings,
that suit any assembled DRAM and then when you have I2C access,
reconfigure it - is it possible?

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