On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:47:48 +0800
<chang-ming.hu...@freescale.com> wrote:

> From: Jerry Huang <chang-ming.hu...@freescale.com>
> The new MPC8360EMDS board changes the oscillator to 33.33MHz in order to
> support QE 500MHZ and this new board supports 512MB DDR since 2008,
> but the u-boot only supports 256MB DDR and 66.6MHz oscillator on top tree,
> For 512MB DDR:
> BAT0 is used for the first 256MB memory, BAT4 is used for the second
> 256MB memory and the address space of SDRAM follows the DDR, so if the size
> of DDR is 256MB, the BAT4 will be used for SDRAM and if the size of DDR
> is 512MB, the BAT4 will be used for the second 256MB memory and there is no 
> for SDRAM.
> Therefore, if the size of DDR is 512MB, this patch will use BAT6 for SDRAM
> and BAT5 will be used for PCI MEM to replace the BAT6 after the codes 
> relocates
> to the DDR.
> Signed-off-by: Jerry Huang <chang-ming.hu...@freescale.com>
> ---
> cahnges for v2:
>       - fix multiline comment wrong
> changes for v3:
>       - change the oscillator to 33330000, not 33300000
> changes for v4:
>       - add the mandatory history of changes
> changes for v5:
>       - move the code to platform file from lib/board.c
>       - add 2011 copyright

NAK - this patch bricks my (older) mpc8360emds board.


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