Hi simran,

you should really provide us with more data to give us even a remote
chance of helping you.  What board do you use, what CPU is it, what
U-Boot version do you use?  Are you doing a custom U-Boot port or
"simply use a well-supported U-Boot configuration from mainline"?

> Hello, This is the ouput when I do tftp or try the ping with the
> environment set accordingly. Could it possibly be one of the
> configuration files such as the RCW (reset configuration word) but I
> cannot change this file withno tftp connection.Any help would be
> great. Thank you.

To be honest, I do not understand what a RCW has got to do with a tftp

> => ping
> ping failed; host is not alive
> => ping
> ping failed; host is not alive
> => tftp 1000000 /tftpboot/uImage
> => tftp 0x1000000 /tftpboot/uImage
> => 
> => printenv
> ramboot=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw
> console=$consoledev,$baudrate $othbootargs;tftp $ramdiskaddr $ramdiskfile;tftp
> $loadaddr $bootfile;tftp $fdtaddr $fdtfile;bootm $loadaddr $ramdiskaddr
> $fdtaddr nfsboot=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=$serverip:$rootpath
> ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gatewayip:$netmask:$hostname:$netdev:off
> console=$consoledev,$baudrate $othbootargs;tftp $loadaddr $bootfile;tftp
> $fdtaddr $fdtfile;bootm $loadaddr - $fdtaddr bootdelay=10 baudrate=115200
> loads_echo= rootpath=/opt/nfsroot loadaddr=1000000 netdev=eth0 
> uboot=u-boot.bin
> tftpflash=tftpboot $loadaddr $uboot; protect off 0xeff80000 +$filesize; erase
> 0xeff80000 +$filesize; cp.b $loadaddr 0xeff80000 $filesize; protect on
> 0xeff80000 +$filesize; cmp.b $loadaddr 0xeff80000 $filesize consoledev=ttyS0
> ramdiskaddr=2000000 fdtaddr=c00000 fman_ucode=0xEF000000
> eth1addr=00:04:9F:02:01:FD eth2addr=00:04:9F:02:02:FD
> eth3addr=00:04:9F:02:03:FD eth4addr=00:04:9F:02:04:FD
> eth5addr=00:04:9F:02:05:FD eth6addr=00:04:9F:02:06:FD
> eth7addr=00:04:9F:02:07:FD eth8addr=00:04:9F:02:08:FD 
> eth9addr=00:04:9F:02:09:FD
> bootfile=uImage ramdiskfile=rootfs.ext2.gz.uboot fdtfile=p4080ds.dtb
> bdev=sda3
> bank4=mw.b 0xffdf002c 0x40; mw.b 0xffdf002d 70; mw.b
> 0xffdf0010 0; mw.b 0xffdf0010 1
> gatewayip=
> bootcmd=bootm e8020000 e9300000 e8800000
> ipaddr=
> serverip=
> bootargs=root=/dev/mtdblock0 rw console=ttyS0,115200
> ethaddr=00:C0:F7:02:01:FD stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial
> ethact=FM1@DTSEC1
> Environment size: 1500/8188 bytes

Where do all those empty lines in the log come from?  Are you sure that
the setting for ethact is correct?  Do you really have 8 network devices
but only 4 mac addresses assigned to them?  I.e. usually we have
"ethaddr", "eth1addr", etc. for the network interfaces - I've never seen
such a combinmation as in your logs.

Do you have the variable "netmask" setup correctly?

In short, it seems like there is a lot of confusion in your setup.  Does
U-Boot work for you at all or is the network failure only "one of the


Nothing under heaven is softer or more yielding than water; but when it attacks
things hard and resistant there is not one of them that can prevail.  For they
can find no way of altering it.  That the yielding conquers the resistant and
the soft conquers the hard is a fact known by all men, yet utilised by none.
                       -- Tao Te Ching
DENX Software Engineering GmbH,      MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
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