On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 09:43:24PM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Christopher Harvey,
> In message <20110704174348.gc3...@harvey-pc.matrox.com> you wrote:
> > Signed-off-by: Christopher Harvey <char...@matrox.com>
> > ---
> >  doc/README.arm-relocation |    9 ++++++++-
> >  1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
> Please let's stop with ARM specific documatation of things that are
> considered generic.
> > +The code that picks the location in RAM for ARM can be found in the 
> > +arch/arm/lib/board.c file under the board_init_f function. 
> under the function? Who dropped that code? :-)  s/under/in/
> Also delete "for ARM", and s/arm/<arch>/.  This is not ARM specific.

I don't understand, I found the following snippet in 

       --addr defined and set here--

        gd->relocaddr = addr;
        gd->start_addr_sp = addr_sp;
        gd->reloc_off = addr - _TEXT_BASE;
        debug ("relocation Offset is: %08lx\n", gd->reloc_off);
        memcpy (id, (void *)gd, sizeof (gd_t));

        relocate_code (addr_sp, id, addr);
        /* NOTREACHED - relocate_code() does not return */

Running grep -R gd->relocaddr *,
I found similar assignments for various architectures. 

> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

Thanks for the clarification,
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