On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Wolfgang Denk <w...@denx.de> wrote:
> Dear Lei Wen,
> In message <aanlktikih8fukprdhouwne8su0ftn_hcawszb9xeh...@mail.gmail.com> you 
> wrote:
>> I think my code also could handle this. They only could set the
>> CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE  to be 1
>> and CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_MAX_REG_SIZE to be 4. Then
>> the other bits is untouched by this driver.
> I don't think so. You still use just a single writel() call then.  To
> leave the other bits untouched, you would have to perform a readl()
> first, then insert one data byte, and then write it back.  Your patch
> does not do that.

My original patch is like below, so where it call writel?...
+#elif (CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE == 1) || (CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE == -1)
+#define serial_out(x, y)       outb(x, y)
+#define serial_in(y)           inb(y)
+#define serial_out(x, y)       writeb(x, y)
+#define serial_in(y)           readb(y)

Best regards,
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