Hi Johan,

On 2023/9/13 19:00, Johan Jonker wrote:

Maybe put this Rockchip rk3066 patch on hold, if we can find a better solution.
Any insider help is appreciated here.

The solution is to handle the BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD TAG in the ddr init binary, and the method

is the same with return -1 , the TAG will need to update after the bootrom is ready to get into USB mode.


- Kever

The idea to test BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD comes from 30_LPDDR2_300MHz_DD.bin
Setting location 0x10080028 only breaks the inner loop.
BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD flag is not reset.
It continues testing for boot blocks on NAND till nothing is left.
For NAND up to 50 erase blocks are tested

struct func_array function_table[4] =

Given below part of rk3066 BROM main read loop.

Proposal 1:
In case of BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD return to 0x1100 instead of 0x1058.
Also reset flag.


In case this TPL binary is reused to upload and to store this TPL entry function
can be called from 3 to 4 BROM functions. Only when data comes from
SPI, NAND or EMMC it needs to early return to BROM.
In download mode this section is skipped when the lr register
address is not in the functions that handles USB OTG and UART0.

Proposal 2:
Instead of a retry_counter test LR: 0x1058.
In all other cases skip early return

Let me know your ideas/advice!
How rk3188 handle return flag?



//main read loop rk3066 bootrom

      db4:      e92d4ff3        push    {r0, r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, 
fp, lr}


     1050:      02840004        addeq   r0, r4, #4
     1054:      012fff30        blxeq   r0

// Branch to U-boot TPL early
// LR: 0x1058
// In case of BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD return to 0x1100 instead of 0x1058.

     1058:      e3a01c02        mov     r1, #512        @ 0x200
     105c:      e2840b01        add     r0, r4, #1024   @ 0x400
     1060:      ebfffc49        bl      0x18c
     1064:      e3a01c02        mov     r1, #512        @ 0x200
     1068:      e2840c06        add     r0, r4, #1536   @ 0x600
     106c:      ebfffc46        bl      0x18c
     1070:      e2490004        sub     r0, r9, #4
     1074:      e1560000        cmp     r6, r0
     1078:      12844b02        addne   r4, r4, #2048   @ 0x800
     107c:      1a000012        bne     0x10cc
     1080:      e59f10cc        ldr     r1, [pc, #204]  @ 0x1154
     1084:      e59f00d0        ldr     r0, [pc, #208]  @ 0x115c
     1088:      e5d13000        ldrb    r3, [r1]
     108c:      e5d02000        ldrb    r2, [r0]
     1090:      e1530002        cmp     r3, r2
     1094:      05d12001        ldrbeq  r2, [r1, #1]
     1098:      05d03001        ldrbeq  r3, [r0, #1]
     109c:      01520003        cmpeq   r2, r3
     10a0:      1a00000d        bne     0x10dc
     10a4:      e5d12002        ldrb    r2, [r1, #2]
     10a8:      e5d03002        ldrb    r3, [r0, #2]
     10ac:      e1520003        cmp     r2, r3
     10b0:      05d00003        ldrbeq  r0, [r0, #3]
     10b4:      05d12003        ldrbeq  r2, [r1, #3]
     10b8:      01520000        cmpeq   r2, r0
     10bc:      1a000006        bne     0x10dc

     10c0:      e2810004        add     r0, r1, #4
     10c4:      e12fff30        blx     r0

// Branch to U-boot TPL full
// LR2: 0x10c8

     10c8:      e3a04206        mov     r4, #1610612736 @ 0x60000000
     10cc:      e5980000        ldr     r0, [r8]
     10d0:      e3700001        cmn     r0, #1
     10d4:      12866004        addne   r6, r6, #4
     10d8:      1affffb6        bne     0xfb8
     10dc:      e1570006        cmp     r7, r6

     10e0:      93a00206        movls   r0, #1610612736 @ 0x60000000
     10e4:      912fff30        blxls   r0

// Branch to U-boot SPL

     10e8:      e28bb001        add     fp, fp, #1
     10ec:      e59a0010        ldr     r0, [sl, #16]
     10f0:      e150000b        cmp     r0, fp
     10f4:      92855001        addls   r5, r5, #1
     10f8:      9affff35        bls     0xdd4
     10fc:      eaffff88        b       0xf24

// End off read loop
// In case of BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD return to 0x1100 instead of 0x1058 to prevent 
further testing.

     1100:      e8bd8ffe        pop     {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, 
sl, fp, pc}

On 9/11/23 17:37, Johan Jonker wrote:
When a Rockchip rk3066 board download key is pressed it hangs.
The rk3066 BROM doesn't have support to check the return to BROM,
so when a key is pressed the loop that reads data must be broken
by writing a "-1" to the variable that points to the next page address.
It then goes in download mode and waits for data on USB OTG and UART0.

Signed-off-by: Johan Jonker <jbx6...@gmail.com>
  arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/boot0.h | 32 +++++++++++++++++++---
  1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/boot0.h 
index 0c375e543a5e..305461ce3751 100644
--- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/boot0.h
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/boot0.h
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
   * Copyright 2017 Theobroma Systems Design und Consulting GmbH

+#include <asm/arch-rockchip/boot_mode.h>
   * Execution starts on the instruction following this 4-byte header
   * (containing the magic 'RK30', 'RK31', 'RK32' or 'RK33').  This
@@ -23,17 +25,39 @@
         * the first one may be overwritten, if this is the first stage
         * contained in the final image created with mkimage)...
-       b 1f     /* if overwritten, entry-address is at the next word */
+       b       1f  /* if overwritten, entry-address is at the next word */
-       adr     r3, entry_counter
+ * Unlike newer Rockchip SoC models the rk3066 BROM code does not have
+ * built-in support to enter download mode after return to BROM code.
+ * Before a return the boot mode register must be checked for the
+ * BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD flag. Writing '-1' to a location in SRAM
+ * where the BROM stores the next page address breaks the loop
+ * that reads boot blocks. The boot ROM code then goes into a
+ * download mode and waits for data on USB OTG and UART0.
+ */
+       ldr     r1, =BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD
+       ldr     r0, =CONFIG_ROCKCHIP_BOOT_MODE_REG
+       ldr     r0, [r0]
+       cmp     r0, r1           /* if (readl(CONFIG_ROCKCHIP_BOOT_MODE_REG) == 
+       bne     counter_check    /*     BOOT_BROM_DOWNLOAD) {              */
+       ldr     r1, =0xffffffff
+       ldr     r0, =0x10080028
+       str     r1, [r0]         /*     writel(0xffffffff, 0x10080028);    */
+       mov     r0, #1           /*     return 1;                          */
+       bx      lr               /* }                                      */
+       adr     r3, entry_counter
        ldr     r0, [r3]
        cmp     r0, #1           /* check if entry_counter == 1 */
        beq     reset            /* regular bootup */
-       add     r0, #1
+       add     r0, #1
        str     r0, [r3]         /* increment the entry_counter in memory */
-       mov     r0, #0           /* return 0 to the BROM to signal 'OK' */
+       mov     r0, #0           /* return 0 to the BROM to signal 'OK' */
        bx      lr               /* return control to the BROM */
        .word   0

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