Hi Jagan,

On 06/11/2023 03:43 AM, Jagan Teki wrote:
On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 5:08 AM William Zhang <william.zh...@broadcom.com> wrote:

Bring the device tree binding document from Linux to u-boot

Port from linux patches:
Signed-off-by: William Zhang <william.zh...@broadcom.com>

Reviewed-by: Jagan Teki <ja...@amarulasolutions.com>

Applied to u-boot-spi/master

Thank you for accepting the patches. Do you mind to take the rest of the patches in the series as Tom was suggesting it is better to apply the whole thing and there is a dependency on patch 9 if you actually want to build with CONFIG_BCMBCA_HSSPI enabled?

If not, maybe Tom can you please apply at least patch 6 to 10 of the series to the u-boot git, if there is no other concern and works for you?

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