On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 5:08 AM William Zhang <william.zh...@broadcom.com> wrote:
> Due to the controller limitation to keep the chip select low during the
> bus idle time between the transfer, a dummy cs workaround was used when
> this driver was first upstreamed to the u-boot based on linux kernel
> driver. It basically picks the dummy cs as !actual_cs so typically dummy
> cs is 1 when most of the case only cs 0 is used in the board design.
> Then invert the polarity of both cs and tell the controller to start the
> transfers using dummy cs. Assuming both cs are active low before the
> inversion, effectively this keeps dummy cs high and actual cs low during
> the transfer and workaround the issue.
> This workaround requires that dummy cs 1 pin to is set to SPI chip
> selection function in the pinmux when the transfer clock is above 25MHz.
> The old chips likely have default pinmux set to chip select on the dummy
> cs pin so it works but this is not case for the new Broadband BCA chips
> and this workaround stop working. This is specifically an issue to
> support SPI NAND and SPI NOR flash because these flash devices can
> typically run at or above 100MHz.
> This patch utilizes the prepend feature of the controller to combine the
> multiple transfers in the same message to a single transfer when
> possible. This way there is no need to keep clock low between transfers
> and solve the issue without any pinmux requirement.
> Multiple transfers within a SPI message may be combined into one
> transfer if the following are all true:
>   * One or more half duplex write transfer in single bit mode
>   * Optional full duplex read/write at the end
>   * No delay and cs_change between transfers
> Most of the SPI device meets this requirements such as SPI NOR, SPI NAND
> flash, Broadcom SPI voice card and etc. So this change switches to the
> prepend mode as the default mode. For any SPI message that does not meet
> the above requirement, we switch to original dummy cs mode but limit the
> clock rate to the safe 25MHz.
> Port from linux patch:
> Link: 
> https://lore.kernel.org/r/20230209200246.141520-12-william.zh...@broadcom.com
> Signed-off-by: William Zhang <william.zh...@broadcom.com>
> ---
Acked-by: Jagan Teki <ja...@amarulasolutions.com>

Applied to u-boot-spi/master

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