On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Wolfgang Denk <w...@denx.de> wrote:
> Dear Albert ARIBAUD,
> In message <4cf55ade.4010...@free.fr> you wrote:
>> > I suppose we should be suspecting the timers? I think I recall hearing
>> > that the time code can mix poorly with relocation.
>> There is no issue with relocation and timers per se, but with the use of
>> BSS variables before relocation. Any code run in the course of executing
>> board_init_f() and which accesses globals can cause problems.
> Correct. And I would also like to pont out that the problem existed
> before, it just was not as clearly visible.
> [...]

Wolfgang you are correct in pointing that out; I agree that is an
important distinction: the failure was not _caused_ by anything that
Sekhar did in that patch.

Thanks for the clarification, Albert. I guess that leaves a lot of
territory open for possible culprits though.

Sudhakar, this is not a problem that I am prepared to fix; I hope that
as the da850evm maintainer you will be able to.

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Nori, Sekhar <nsek...@ti.com> wrote:
>> Removing the added "#define CONFIG_REVISION_TAG" does not fix the
>> freeze. Furthermore, reverting the patch on top of 2010.12-rc2 does
>> not fix the freeze either. Finally to add to the (/my) confusion,
> Ah, that is a sure indication that the issue is elsewhere.

Yes, absolutely. I'm sorry to make it sound like it was your change
that caused the failure.

In retrospect, the upside is that you have replied and also CC'd
Sudhakar, so maybe he will come back and fix the problem.

> [...]
> I am not sure about that (haven't been following all the relocation related
> changes lately). Since it is booting for me, may be it is related to the
> build environment? I am using CodeSourcery 2009q1-203 for building the
> U-Boot.

I am using the exact same toolchain, sadly.
$arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version
arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q1-203) 4.3.3
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

I built from the v2010.12-rc2 tag (with zero changes to the config),
git checkout v2010.12-rc2; make mrproper ;make da850evm_config; make -j9 all

Then I flashed it to SPI using the mono-based sfh_OMAP-L138.exe
provided by TI, booted and observed:

OMAP-L138 initialization passed!
Booting TI User Boot Loader
        UBL Version: 1.65
        UBL Flashtype: SPI
Starting SPI Memory Copy...
Valid magicnum, 0x55424CBB, found at offset 0x00010000.
Jumping to entry point at 0xC1080000.

Nothing is printed after 'Jumping to entry point.' It looks like I
have a different UBL than you, perhaps that is the culprit?

Best Regards,
Ben Gardiner

Nanometrics Inc.
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