> Dear Andre Schwarz,
> In message<4cc5c226.8080...@matrix-vision.de>  you wrote:
>> Having a look at include/asm/global_data.h gives some 40 ulongs for my
>> MPC8377 system.
>> Current CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_SIZE= 0x100 which should be enough.
> Indeed. I was asking because I just discovered that most of the
> PowerPC boards are actually broken in this respect - 89 % of them,
> 170 out of 191 :-(

understood - this should be easy to fix.

>> The system is still dead after removing the 4 nops after _start.
> Sorry, but it was worth a try.

absolutely - so don't mind.
I'm still happy to get any directions at all.

Still wondering why there's no comment from Kim etc. ...


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