On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On Wednesday, October 20, 2010 00:38:08 Vaibhav Bedia wrote:
> please do not top post
> Sorry about the top posting.

> > The size of other sections like the bss section also need to be accounted
> > for when doing a size check.
> that really cannot be checked at compile time.  it certainly cannot be done
> easily or with a few lines of shell code.
> > Insufficient space for bss when doing something like a MMC read which
> > requires large buffers causes system hangs for no apparent reason.
> that doesnt make much sense.  bss is statically allocated.  either it
> exists,
> or it doesnt.  if bss doesnt work, your system/build is fundamentally
> screwed.

Just displaying the binary size can be misleading IMHO. If the info printed
contains the complete memory requirement (stack+heap+bss) then it can
potentially save a lot of time during debugging

either way, none of this is related to my patch.
> -mike

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