On Monday, October 18, 2010 16:43:37 Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > +ifneq ($(CONFIG_BOARD_SIZE_LIMIT),)
> > +   @actual=`wc -c $@ | awk '{print $$1}'`; \
> How about using
>       stat -c '%s'
> to get the file size in a single command, without need to actually
> read all the data?

because `stat` isnt portable :(.  it isnt part of the POSIX standard ... OS X 
certainly does not support this, and i imagine most *BSD's dont.

`wc -c` on the other hand should work everywhere and is part of POSIX.  
looking at the `strace` output, the GNU wc doesnt actually read() the file 
when using just the -c option.  seems to use lseek(SEEK_END).

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