Could you possibly fix your mailer? I can't really figure out what's your part 
of reply, what's the original message etc? Thanks

Dne Po 13. září 2010 13:13:49 StephenPaulraj Chinnadurai-ERS,HCLTech napsal(a):
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wolfgang Denk []
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:51 PM
> To: StephenPaulraj Chinnadurai-ERS,HCLTech
> Cc: Marek Vasut;
> Subject: Re: [U-Boot] TFTP load for file over 50MB fails
> Dear "StephenPaulraj Chinnadurai-ERS,HCLTech",
> In message <ec921d4b77c99b4eb3cedaffcf17d5f73dded37...@chn-hclt-
EVS07.HCLT.CORP.HCL.IN> you wrote:
> > 1.  When the board is connected to network, through tftp the u-boot
> > is downloading only 9 MB size file. When tried to download 10 MB size
> > file, the u-boot is displaying "Retry count exceeded; starting again"
> > message and the file download is not getting completed.
> Sounds like a instability of your hardware and/or U-Boot support for
> this board and/or platform.
> > 2.  When the board is connected to Linux machine directly using
> > cross cable, through tftp the u-boot is downloading 47 MB size file
> > without any retry, but when tried to download 53 MB size file, the
> > u-boot is displaying "Retry count exceeded; starting again" message
> > and download is not getting completed.
> Are you aware of the restrictions of the TFTP protocol? In standard
> configuration, you can only load up to 32767 blocks of 512 bytes,
> i. e. not quite 16 MiB of data.
> Most curent implementations treat the block number as unsigned, which
> shifts the limit to 32 MiB.
> And if your TFTP server supports it you can also increase the block
> size.
> Which exact settings are you using?
> Previously the TFTP_MTU_BLOCKSIZE macro is assigned with the value 1468.
> Now I changed the value of the TFTP_MTU_BLOCKSIZE macro to 512 in
> net/tftp.c file. #define TFTP_MTU_BLOCKSIZE 512
> I installed tftp server in the windows XP PC and connect my hardware to the
> window XP PC through cross Ethernet cable. Now I can able to download
> files which are more than 50MB size.
> But I can't download the files of 50MB size from the Linux PC with the same
> u-boot.bin image.
> Whether I need to upgrade the tftp server running in the Linux PC?
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
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