Dear Marek,

The thread ([U-Boot] TFTP timeout issue while downloading the linux kernel in 
openpxa vpac270 u-boot source code) is restarted to avoid the mess with new 
subject TFTP load for file over 50MB fails.

Previous issue summary & Test observations:
Microcontroller used in the board            - PXA270
Ethernet Controller                                - SMCS LAN91C111Ii-NU
Microcontroller & Ethernet interface         - Static memory chip select 4
Speed                                                   - System Clock: 208MHz 
& Memory Clock: 208MHz
U-boot location in SDRAM                      - 0xa7F00000


 1.  When the board is connected to network, through tftp the u-boot is 
downloading only 9 MB size file. When tried to download 10 MB size file, the 
u-boot is displaying "Retry count exceeded; starting again" message and the 
file download is not getting completed.
 2.  When the board is connected to Linux machine directly using cross cable, 
through tftp the u-boot is downloading 47 MB size file without any retry, but 
when tried to download 53 MB size file, the u-boot is displaying "Retry count 
exceeded; starting again" message and download is not getting completed.

Tests Performed:
Memory test is performed to verify whether the memory was misconfigured, but 
the memory test executed from the start address 0xA0000000 to end address 
0xA7000000 was successful without any error. Test concludes that the problem in 
downloading 50MB file is not because of memory error.

Thanks and Regards
Stephen Paulraj C


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