Rabin Vincent wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Vaibhav Bedia <vaibhav.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As all Cortex processors implement the ARMv7 architecture a better grouping
>> IMHO would be cpu/cortex/a8 and cpu/cortex/a9. The common stuff can be under
>> cpu/cortex/.
> Perhaps Tom can clarify if he's OK with this, since he wanted a separate
> cpu/cortex_a9 directory to be created (The first version of my patch series
> just put the Ux500 code into cortex_a8).
> The only potential problem I see with this is that some fixups will have to be
> done in the Makefiles for lib$(CPU).a generation since $(CPU) would have a
> slash in it after this.  This could be avoided by keeping the SOC directories
> for all Cortexes in cpu/arm_cortex itself instead of a8 and a9 subdirectories.
> Rabin

The change the Nishanth proposed is better.
I am ok with this change.

My concern with the original Ux500 code was not to include a9 in a8.
As this would in the long run make for less readable and less maintainable code.
The new change would mean less copying of files but more reordering.

I would suggest that 'fix me' warnings would be added to the a8 boards to defer 
the reordering. The reordering need not all in the ux500 patchset.  If you want 
to take up all the reordering, that is fine too.


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