<recipient list trimmed>


Nishanth Menon wrote:
> Ben Warren had written, on 12/07/2009 03:09 PM, the following:
>> Nishanth,
>> Nishanth Menon wrote:
>>> This modification is NOT tested on any of the
>>> platforms modified as I dont have them. please
>>> help by testing+building+fixing
>>> Signed-off-by: Nishanth Menon <n...@ti.com>
>>> Cc: Andrea Scian <andrea.sc...@dave-tech.it>
>>> Cc: Ben Warren <biggerbadder...@gmail.com>
>>> Cc: Dave Peverley <dpever...@mpc-data.co.uk>
>>> Cc: George G. Davis <gda...@mvista.com>
>>> Cc: Kyungmin Park <kyungmin.p...@samsung.com>
>>> Cc: Nishant Kamat <nska...@ti.com>
>>> Cc: Richard Woodruff <r-woodru...@ti.com>
>>> Cc: Rishi Bhattacharya <ri...@ti.com>
>>> Cc: Sandeep Paulraj <s-paul...@ti.com>
>>> ---
>>>  board/apollon/apollon.c       |   12 +++++++-----
>>>  include/configs/B2.h          |    2 +-
>>>  include/configs/apollon.h     |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/assabet.h     |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/gcplus.h      |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/lubbock.h     |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/omap1510inn.h |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/omap1610h2.h  |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/omap1610inn.h |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/omap2420h4.h  |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/omap5912osk.h |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/omap730p2.h   |    3 ++-
>>>  include/configs/pleb2.h       |    6 ++++--
>>>  13 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
>> You've update the config files for a bunch of boards, but have not 
>> added board_eth_init() functions for them.  Am I missing something?  
>> If this is indeed the case, I can't push these patches upstream from 
>> the net tree because the associated boards will break.
> I have added the init where they have been previously used for the old 
> lan91c96 driver. I think the only one which was actively using it was 
> apollon, which means the rest of the platforms probably dont use the 
> old lan driver properly in the first place. I have maintained status 
> quo there instead of introducing a change which may break them.
I understand where you're coming from, but having the CONFIG option in 
the board's header file indicates that this board probably has a LAN 
chip.  Without board_eth_init() support, the CONFIG option is 
pointless.  I'd prefer to add full support, then if the user doesn't 
want it they can #undef in the header.

If you don't have time to do this, I can take care of it.

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