On Thursday 19 November 2009 13:22:43 Thiago A. Corrêa wrote:
> 2009/11/19 Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
> > The whole point of the tole define is to make the table more
> > readable. Try and replace tole in the table and then
> > look at it.
> Ah, ok. Then I think this one at make_crc_table should use the
> __cpu_to_le32() as tole only porpuse is a more readable table, then
> you could lose the first tole define as __cpu_to_le32 and keep only
> the one defined as __constant_cpu_to_le32. Also, I don't know how you
> are not getting a warning from the preprocessor about the redefined
> tole macro:

except then you revert the fix i posted and restore the bug i referred to 
earlier about cross-compiling.

since the define needs to exist to keep the table understandable, keeping the 
two table code paths similar makes sense too.

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