Matthias Fuchs wrote:
> Hi Wolfgang,
> of course I can think of situations where some simple CAN mechanism
> might be helpful (e.g. simple hardware testing). 
> But do we really need this inside a bootloader? Surely not
> for a production build. But please keep on hacking!
> On Monday 02 November 2009 13:50, Wolfgang Grandegger wrote:
>> Matthias Fuchs wrote:
>>> Hi Wolfgang,
>>> this patch conflicts with my simple SJA header posted some days ago
>>> together with a fix for two of our boards - which has not much
>>> to do with CAN. WD asked me to use a C struct to access the SJA1000. 
>>> So where does this bring us? Either we want to use C structs for everything
>>> or decide it from patch to patch :-(
>> Then it should be changed, of course. This patch is far from being
>> accepted and for the moment it's an implementation detail. I'm
>> especially interested to hear if such a generic CAN interface would
>> serve your purposes as well, as you require access to the SJA1000 somehow.
> I just need to bit bang around in the OCR register. So no need for a full 
> blown
> and flash consuming CAN implementation. Of course I could life with your
> register access style. Especially because it makes the code more common with
> Socket-CAN files which prevents us from rewriting fully functional code ;-)

Well, I think Wolfgang will tell me to use structs sooner than later.


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