>> Please use plain text formatting, not HTML.  Your quoting will be more 
>> readable and it won't annoy us curmudgeons.
sorry was replying by my gmail. now its plain text . I hope it doesnt
annoy u anymore.

>> I see you actually used "#define"
 yeah its #define CONFIG_ATMEL_SPI 1  . sorry for typing mistake .
>>  though my init function is getting executed in the board file located at 
>> /board/atmel/at91sam9261ek/at91sam9261ek.c
>> OK, sounds like you succeeded.

 yeah i used the printf("U-Boot Ravi at %s:%d!\n", __FILE__,
__LINE__); to confirm . it printed .

>> my driver code is not gettung executed when my board boots up.
>>  can anyone let me  know where else to change to add a new driver in u-boot 
>> so tat  ur board recognizes it.
>> Since you have succeeded in inserting your new driver in your u-boot image, 
>> it is available.  You need to browse the SPI functionality/framework in 
>> u-boot to figure out how to plug your new SPI driver into the existing code 
>> and how to use it.
 yeah, wil try to do tat. .

>> The statement "my driver code is not gettung[sic] executed when my board 
>> boots up" is too vague for us to address.  What do you expect u-boot / your 
>> driver to do when it boots up (that it isn't already doing)?
what i meant by the above statement is tat when i insert printf in my
driver code  im not getting anything printed  on console .  so i have
to figure how to plug new spi driver into existing  code and use it.
thanks .

warm regards,
Ravi Kulkarni.
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